My Rapidweaver

This website ( presents documentation links for my RapidWeaver (RW), an application for the Macintosh and 3rd party addons, in one, easy-to-access website. I use a "sticky" dropdown menus (TopMenu) for link navigation to RapidWeaver and related websites. My purpose is to learn about and gain experience creating RapidWeaver websites.

My purchased RW addons include: RapidWeaver 7 & its documentation; the YourHead plugin bundle of Accordion, Blocks, Collage, Flow and Stacks 3; Joe Workman's Jack, Foundation, Letterpress, Target and Text Drop stacks and the RW 5 Beginner's Guide. I've also purchased stacks from One Little Designer and made donations for the use of free stacks from Big White Duck and Stacks4Stacks.

There are several "on-line" books in PDF form: Rapidweaver 5 Beginners Guide ($12) from Joe Workman, a RapidWeaver 7 Manual, and several how-to RW manuals. Each Plugin, Stack and Theme can have their own product page, manual and demo pages in their author's web site. I try to link to all the RW software I'm using or experimenting with.

A website with documentation for RW third party products is the RapidWeaver Community ( It requires a fee to access instructional videos and forums, but has free lists of software authors and product pages for most third party products.

RW was developed about 2005 by Dan Counsell from Brighton, England, and is currently at version 7.55. Dan in England and his brother Ben in Sweden, provide support for RW users ( and They have 64 episodes of a weekly podcast, http://therapidweavershowcom that started Aug 12, 2015 and ended in May 2017. It is... "A weekly podcast bringing you a lighthearted look at building websites with RapidWeaver, the powerful website creation tool from Realmac Software. Each week we cover the latest RapidWeaver news, cover new Addons, and discuss a web-related topic."

Plugins and themes have been developed by many 3rd party developers that extend functionality of the system. In particular, the Stacks plugin with child stacks by YourHead Software has caused a third party industry to spring up with over a thousand child stacks available. Many features make sophisticated web site designs possible. Links to each item I'm interested in are on this website

There is also a link to Joe Workman's Weavers Space Online Conference, held in 2016 and 2017 and something I look forward to in 2018.

Information Resources



Google Plus



Example Websites


One way to find free stacks and free themes is to go to RapidWeaver Community and select "All Addons", "Price", "All Categories", and "Stacks" (or Themes"). Then go to the last page (the stacks sequenced in decreasing order by price) and start paging forwards to see all the free stacks. If one or more appeals to you, try it out. Each vendor appreciates donations if you find their software useful. One vendor in particular, Big White Duck allows all of their products to be downloaded for free while the others have a mixture of free and to-be-paid-for software. Most have some "Freebee" links. Each individual vendor has freebee web pages and lists of stacks and themes. Five that have some free stacks are:


Purchased and Free Add-ins

RapidWeaver 7

