These web pages demonstrate a number of fixed background stacks that Bill George owns. A few observations:

Most Useful

  • Foundry's Background stack has parallax features and also works with IOS. It does require the Foundry 3 Framework which is about $100
  • The Joe Workman Background Swatch is the most versatile and easy to set up. It has no Parallax features and does not work with IOS. The swatch pack is abt $60
  • Big White Duck's Sections Pro does fixed backgrounds however you need to use it for your content and it has no Parallax effects. Ir is donation ware.
  • Platform's Section Stack is easy to set up with a "Fixed" switch, but no parallax and it requires the Platform framework. It is the least expensive framework at $40
  • Doobox Eternity 2 seems to be simple to set up and should work with all themes but has been discontinued (but I have it).

Stack Summaries

  • BWD - Sections Pro - Donationware, requires content stack
  • Doobox - Eternity 2 - Easy to set up, not currently available, any framework
  • Foundry 2 - Banner & Jumbotron - Requires F2 Framework, which has been superceded
  • Foundry 3 - Background - Requires F3 Framework, IOS, Parallax
  • Joe Workman - Parallax, Wallpaper, Swatch-Background - Any Framework - 3 options, Swatch is the best
  • One Little Designer - Horizon Parallax - Very involved but can handle fixed backgrounds
  • Platform - Sections and Parallax - Background- Requires least expensive Framework, needs content stack
  • Woodgate - Zonal - Req. Themeflood Theme, only works full screen, a specialized case, not really fixed background

Table of Features

1LD$20Noon SteriodsNoYesNo

! Cost of the framework


  • Foundry 2 Documentation can be found at
  • The only fixed background stacks that work on IOS are the F3 Background and the F2 Banner.
  • If fixed background stacks are placed in separate columns, they might work with IOS
  • Parallax stacks are a type of fixed background stack, where both the foreground and background move as content is scrolled. By decreasing the parallax effect, the background will move less and it will behave like a fixed background.
    • F3 Background Stack requires F3 framework, but will work on IOS
    • Joe Workman's Parallax stack - A little daunting to configure, but should work with any theme
    • One Little Designer's Horizon Parallax stack - Has multiple layers, with much complexity, but can be used as a simple fixed background with any theme
    • Platform's Parallax stack - set "Speed" to 0 and it will act as a fixed background using the Platform theme.
    • F2 Banner stack - Fore and Backgrounds both move, works on IOS, but is previous version of Elixer's Foundry Framework and may not be available for purchase.
  • The F3 Background and F2 Banner seem to work with IOS
  • Platform's Section stack with fixed background setting works well but requires the Platform theme.
  • Doobox's Eternity 2 stacj seems to work well but is no longer for sale
  • Will Woodgate's Zonal stack is kind of a hybrid, that changes full screen backgrounds on hover and requires a Themeflood theme. On IOS device it won't display different backgrounds on hover (there's no hover on IOS). It takes over the screen and may not be able to be over laid
  • There is an excellent Codepen example with actual HTML and CSS: