
There several kinds of menus. Pull down menus, sliding menus, popout menus and static menus. They typically allow you to present a list of links in a particular style.

  • A popular type is a bar Menu that sits on the top of a web page. With a wide page, selections are listed horizontally. With less width a Trigger or Toggle icon, when clicked, will cause a menu modal or popup to appear.
  • Another type is only a trigger Icon or text link that causes a modal dialog box to appear with a menu of choices. This trigger can be placed anywhere on a web page.
  • Menus triggers can caus a window to pop up, down, left or right. Or cover half the left or right side of the parent web page or cover the whole page, The triggers can be located anywhere, and may cause secondary menus to appear.
  • Menu items can be Stacks pages, links or any thing that can be activated with a click (or hover).
  • Menus may be placed anywhere on a web page
  • A button group is a kind of menu. And a button, may cause a menu to pop up.
  • There are also special effects thought to be attractive to users. Like triggers that rotate in place. Content that moves into place, Menus that are animated in some fashion.

The Mini-Navigation menu of Foundry is kind of cute. 1LD has several menu choices that are distinctive and various side-pullout menus that take their time to expand and contract.

I'm trying todisplay a variety of menu stacks in this Menus set of web pages.

Who makes what?

Menu stacks within Frameworks

  • 1LD (Jonathan Meadows)
  • Elixer Foundry 2 and 3 (Adam Shiver)
  • JW Foundation 1 and 2 (Joe Workman)
  • Platform (Júrgen Barth)
  • Shaking the Habitual (Stuart Marshal)
  • Themeflood (Will Woodgate)

Specialty menus

  • DeFligra (Tommy Hansen)
  • Elixir (Adam Shiver)
  • 1LD (Jonathan Meadows)
  • Weavers.space (Joe Workman)