Accordian Stacks

menu Menu

Fairly Simple

  • Put anything in content areas
  • Title Size, padding, weight
  • Corners Straight/Rounded
  • Title bar open/closed colors
  • Hover action - Lighten or Darken color
  • Animated icon on page load, item click
  • Add Font Awesome to content area
1st Title Area
The first content area.

The first content area you add to the stack can be set to be open or closed when the page loads. You will notice that we have all the FAQ 2 stacks we use on our stacks demo pages set to have the first item open when the page first loads. This often helps to entice the user to read more.

2nd Title Area


The second content area.

The first content area you add to the stack can be set to be open or closed when the page loads. You will notice that we have all the FAQ 2 stacks we use on our stacks demo pages set to have the first item open when the page first loads. This often helps to entice the user to read more.

Third Title Area
The third content area.

The first content area you add to the stack can be set to be open or closed when the page loads. You will notice that we have all the FAQ 2 stacks we use on our stacks demo pages set to have the first item open when the page first loads. This often helps to entice the user to read more.

Updated 3/31/24, Copyright 2024 Bill George
Last Published 3/31/24 Contact Me