Defligra - LoadEffects Stack
  • Define what loads first on your website. And do it with a nice effect.
  • This uses SlideFadeToggle effect. 3.5 sec effect, 50ms delay, Effect load, "Document Ready".
  • Nice simple controls!
Defligra - Panimations Stack

Animate still images with a nice panning effect

  • Pan over an image animation. Create your own panimations. Stop. Repeat. Infinite. Delay & more. Responsive features to control how it behaves on small screens.
  • Special features: Turn your panimations into buttons!

See me now?

Defligra - Toggletastic Stack
  • Not sure about this stack. Seems to just fill in with whatever stack you put in.
  • Define what loads first on your website. And do it with a nice effect.
  • This uses SlideFadeToggle effect. 3.5 sec effect, 50ms delay, Effect load, "Document Ready".
  • Nice simple controls!
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Defligra - ScreenDesigns Stack

Animate image on mouse over

  • Main drop zone for graphic that animates (and takes everything with it)/
  • 2 exrra drop zones
  • touch / tap to see background animations on IOS, hover on desktop
  • Overlay.textures

Mt. Ranier

Defligra - Spinner Stack

Animate image on mouse over

  • Main drop zone for graphic that animates (and takes everything with it)/
  • 2 exrra drop zones
  • touch / tap to see background animations on IOS, hover on desktop
  • Overlay.textures


124 Sixth St - Spinner Stack?

Was going to make all the heads spin (as above), but not sure how to do it. Didn't want to throw my work away, so I'm saving it here.


124 Sixth St St., Watsonville. CA Original home of the George Sibs from about 1946-1955

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