Doobox - Swell

Image light-boxing where and when you need it

  • Swell will instantly light-box any image with a unique animation. It has a selection of built in thumbnail hover effects, and is intended to be used anywhere in your page.
  • So you want to place an image somewhere in your page. You want the detail of the image to be seen by the visitor, but placing it in the page in all it's full size glory is just too overpowering for the rest of the page layout.
  • This is when you should turn to Swell. It allows you to drop in your large image, and just see a smaller thumbnail of the image in the page (you have total control over the thumbnail size). When the user clicks the thumbnail sized image, it pops into a light-box animated from it's size and position in your page to the full size version in centre screen.
  • Swell is clever too. Lets think about mobile. On small mobile screens the chances are that your thumbnail Swell image is going to be filling almost the full width of the screen, because of your responsive design. What's the point of light-boxing it in this situation? There's none really, as it can't get significantly larger on this screen size. So Swell has an option to completely turn it's self off below a certain screen size that you define.
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Easily animate anything as it appears into view.

  • Just refresh your screen to see the effects
  • 34 possible animation styles.
  • Choose from one of the 36 built in animation styles that may be applied to any stack as it comes into your visitors view.
  • No cropping of animations inside layout stacks.
  • Breakout of the bounds of the stacks you place Jet stacks inside. This is the only animation stack we know of that allows you to see the full animation without clipping inside other layout stacks like responsive columns.
  • Set timings.
  • Part of the beauty of the Jet stack is the ability to delay the animation from it’s normal trigger point, allowing you to have full control over when each of your animations fires.
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