Stacks Special Deals

2021 - 2023

Purchases and Freebees


Bill George

Table of Contents

2...... DeFligra

2...... Source

2...... Stack-Its

2...... Instacks

3...... Doobox


4...... Joe Workman

6..... One little Designer

9... Elixir Graphics

10..RapidWeaver Central

2021 DeFligra

Purchased their entire collection when on sale for $40 in 1920 sometime

2023 Source

Fri, Nov 17. B;acl Frodau 30% off, $89.50 Purchased the Source Bundle of all stacks (abt 25) stacks on

2023 Stack-Its

Mon Nov 20, 2023 Purchased 5 interesting stacks

  • Header Helper
  • Image Pack
  • Image Resize
  • Marquee
  • Nav Helper

50% off, $4750

2023 Instacks

Mon Nov 20, 2023 Purchased their 7 Stack Bundle

  • Gallery
  • Iconic Gallery
  • OpenStreetMap
  • Poster CMS
  • Remote Image
  • Repository Manager
  • UserAccess Management

Price too low to reveal Receipt # 55269978

2021 (or before) Doobox

I succumbed to the temptation of buying all of Doobox's Stacks. One of my first purchases along with DeFligra. I think it was about $50. Don't remember exactly when I purchased.

Wed. Nov 30, 2021, Doobox

  • Boom -This responsive audio player comes in any flavour you like.
  • Defender - Image and contents theft protection
  • Frag - Shows only a limited number of thumbnail images that lead to a larger gallery.
  • Imageswitch - Smooth transition between two different images on hover. The entire stack may be a clickable link.
  • Mailto - If you have a server without PHP, you can still offer your visitor this form to generate their own email to you.
  • Shady - Shady applies real contoured drop shadow to any image you place inside.
  • Spin2 - Randomly displays a block of content each time the page loads, from unlimited blocks.
  • Split - One fixed, & one fluid column, with super response to different screens sizes.

I actually only needed a dozen or so stacks that had changed since the last purchase around 2018, but the price was so good, I purchased tham all again. The stacks were $41...

2024 Multithemes

Read about Multithemes on Realmac website & was intrigued about their "Motion Design Bundle of 24 stacks" for 59£ ($65) Purchased on Mon January 29, 2024

Also noticed their Theme Pack bundle of 7 themes for 29£, in particulart the "Old Page" theme that reminded me of iWeb. Purchased on Feb 17, 2024 for 26£ ($32,76?)

The themes are: Gamma, Simplus, Duo, Duccio, Hoa, Old Page and Acute

Joe Workman


  • Purchased Nov 24, 2021, $137.79
  • Purchased Nov 26, 2021 $5.97 wPaypal $5.97
  • Purchased Nov 26,2021 $77.82

Tue Nov 24, 2021, Joe Workman

  • Mask 2 $6 - Layer 2 Stack Containers/reveal
  • Pop up Caption $12 - Add animated popup captions to your images
  • QuickFlip 4** $18 - Flip content includes Full Slider
  • SEO Helper $30 - Make site ready for 21st Century
  • Spider - $6 - Make content stick to the top of your page
  • Tiptip - $6 - Sweet/Simple custom browser tips
  • Total CMS $60 - The Best CMS

Fri. Nov 26, 2021, Joe Workman

  • Rotate 360 - $6 - will rotate a series of photos utilizing multiple pictures. Designed to show one image, multiple sides.

Wed. Nov 29, 2021, Joe Workman

  • Image Gallery $20 Beautiful Galleries flexible & easy to use (Joe Workman)
  • Let It Snow Free (Joe Workman)
  • Match Height $20 Match heights of elements on the page (Joe Workman & Match column)
  • Photo $40 Modern polished image galleries (Weaver's Space)
  • Puzzle $10 Turn any image into a puzzle (Joe Workman)
  • Scroll Page $20 Elegant scroll-to button (Weaver's space)
  • Wallpaper $20 Amazing Gradients and tiles (Joe Workman)

Wed. Dec 1, 2021, Joe Workman

  • Totem $12 Vertical automated slider

2022 Joe Workman Purchases

  • PDF Embed $10 Displays PDF Files in wep page. Lots of overhead, abt 20mb, 400 files on Mon, Jul 18, 2022
  • Peekaboo $12 Show and hide content with a simple click Tue, Sep 6, 2022
  • ** Eclipse** $10 Custom cover background images, slideshows and video, Sep 21, 2022

2023 Joe Workman Purchases

  • X-Ray $7.50 Displays files from Website folder. Lists and Links on Thu, Apr 6, 2023

One Little Designer

Stacks purchased during Black Friday Sale in late Nov, 2021 buy by Bill George. They are:

  • Purchased Nov 24, 2021 $107.44
  • Purchased Nov 29 $37.50
  • Purchased Dec 1, $10
  • Purchased Dec 27 $67.50
  • Purchased Jun 22, 2022 $80

Wed. Nov 24, 2021 One Little Designer

This Website contains examples of stacks purchased during Black Friday Sale in late Nov, 2021 buy by Bill George. They are:

  • Clean Accordian $15 jQuery drag/drop accordian
  • Emphasize $20 Scroll Based highlighting
  • Fifty Fifty Slider $15 Half Content, Half Image
  • Heroic Banner $20 Exotic Scroll Effects
  • Horizon Parallax $20 Scroll background
  • Motion Looper $20 Add Motion
  • Overlay Menu $20 menu overlays content
  • Pop Box $15 Custom popups
  • Press - $15 - Simple mode, Buttons, Button Groups, Icon Buttons
  • Shape Sector $20 Striking Frames and Content Breaks
  • Side Menu $20 Left or Right, includes icons
  • Swoop $15 Exotic Slider

Purchased Nov 24, 2021 $107.44

Wed. Nov 29, 2021 One Little Designer

  • Action Menu - $20 - Popup Icon Menu
  • Circle Menu - $15 Inline expandable circular menu
  • Overlay Menu $20 - Full page RW or custom menu (Duplicate asking for Lasso Tips
  • Pagelit $20 - Animated book and magazine display

Purchased Nov 29 $37.50

Thu. Dec. 1, 2021 One Little Designer

  • Lasso Tips $10 Lasso Tips creates attractive & animated tool tips.

Purchased Dec 1, $10

Mon. Dec 27, 2021 One Little Designer

His 50% sale is still on, couldn't resiist. Purchased 3 in the am, 4 in the afternoon before my Covid Shot

  • Megamenu $15 Menus incorporated in Stacks
  • Feature Section $15 Crazy animations in Sectios, hover effects, color fills
  • Link drawer $15 Pullout/Popup pages used for links Then in the afternoon
  • Siphon $20 Interactive Question Forms
  • Cling $20 Animated Sticky content
  • Text Detect $20 Make decisions based on Text enteered
  • Page Flux $15 Animated page transitions
  • Listify $20 Custom lists

Purchased Dec 27, 2021 $$67.50

Wed. June. 22, 2022 One Little Designer

All 50% off the price listed below

  • Article - Expandable Article List $15
  • Assist - Popup/Expanding menu $15
  • Author Card - Stylish On line Business Cards $10
  • Conveyor - Intuitive Carousel Slider $20
  • Expanse - Expanding Cards $20
  • Live Search - Search Website $15
  • Quick Finder - Instant In-page Search $20
  • Step - Guide Users 1 step at a time $15
  • Toggle This Show/Hide Content $15
  • Walk Through - Step by Step $15

Total $80

Wed. Dec. 4, 2022 One Little Designer

All 50% off the price listed below

  • Rotate - Simple & Stylish rotating text sections $15
  • Split - Two Column, pre-designed, Card-Deck layout, hover effects $15
  • Table of Contents - S Write your content, Automagic table-of-contents $20

Total $24.98 Invoice 74501

Fri. Apr 7, 2023 One Little Designer

  • Pagelit 2 - Verson 2 of Magazine Stack many improvements

Total $14.99 Invoice 75275 (50% off or $29.99)

Sat. May 27, 2023 One Little Designer

  • Image Explorer - Magnifier, ID locations, will use for grave locations

Total $13.99 Invoice 75588 (30% off or $19.99)

Wed. Nov 22, 2023 One Little Designer

Special Black Friday Deal $5 & $10 per stacks 19 Stacks cost $135

Assemble, Cycledex, Easy Header, Events, Filter Grid, Font Awesome, Frontend, Image Explore 2, Live Data, Notice, Optic Stats 2, Page Flux, Readable, Responsive Timeline, Restrict, Content, Scroll Shift, Shuffler, Testimonials, Timed Content Clock and Timed Content, Vivid Tiles.

Total $135 Invoice 76510

Elixir Graphics

I've pirchased all their stacks during sales of 40-50% off.

  • Purchased 2021 - Foundry #2, Thunder, Potion Pack, Gravitate, Animagic
  • Purchased June 22,2022 - All Elixir Individual Stacks except Gravitate & Animagic
  • Purchased Feb. 3, 2023 - Foundry #3

2021 Elixir Graphics

  • Foundry Base #2
  • Thunder Pack
  • Potion Pack
  • Gravotate, Animagic Stacks

All above at reduced prices, probably Black Friday Deals

Wed. June. 22, 2022 Elixir Graphics

  • Bloom - Gallery $7.50
  • Capsule - Popup $7.50
  • Flat Button $7.50
  • Flux - Grid Layout $20
  • Ivy - Accordian $10
  • Orbit 2 - Slider $15
  • Pop - Popup - $7.50
  • Shutter - Gallery $17.50

Total $92.50
These prices reflect 50% off published price

Fri. Feb 3, 2023 Elixir Graphics

Purchased Foundry 3

  • 72 Stacks (all are visible stacks)

Total with 30% upgrade and 10% discount $58.45

Mon. April 30 - May 1, 2023 RapidWeaver Central

April 30, 2023 Downloaded 49 "Freebie" RWC Stacks

May 1, 2023 Purchased all 9 commercial stacks at $7.50 each

Total cost of the 9 stacks was $67.50

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