Foundry Buttons

Button and Button Group come with the Foundry framework. The Flat Button stack that is one of the separately-purchased Foundry Stacks.


Buttons are everywhere in web design. The Button stack allows you to create stylish buttons with ease that can link to just about anything.

  • Style buttons using presets or custom colors
  • Opt to use a gradient for styling your button
  • Use an outline style button with presets
  • Set button alignment at each breakpoint
  • Set button font using Typeface font assignments
  • Set font weight when using Typeface fonts
  • Include icons with button text
  • Add drop shadow to button
  • Create full-width block buttons
  • Add Tooltips*
  • Set your button links just like you would any other link in RapidWeaver

Create beautiful button groups in a snap. Add a button or dropdown to the group and rearrange it to get just the layout you’re looking for.

  • Add normal buttons, dropdown buttons or buttons that trigger a modal
  • Mix and match button types
  • Set button font using Typeface font assignments
  • Set font weight when using Typeface fonts
  • Choose preset or custom styling
  • Opt for horizontal or vertical grouping
  • Choose that horizontal button groups go vertical at Mobile breakpoint
  • Include drop shadow on button group
  • Add tooltips to your buttons and dropdowns
Button Button Group Modal

Quickly and easily build stylish buttons. Use Flat Button’s multitude of settings to make classic, flat buttons, or apply a gorgeous gradients or drop shadows to give them depth.


Choose the size of your button by setting a custom height. You can also adjust the padding on the left- and right-hand side of your button label for both the Standard and Responsive width modes.

Well Rounded

Choose to round the corners of your button, or leave them squared off. You can round all of the corners the same or choose a different border radius for each corner.


The Flat Button stack allows you to align your button to the left, center or right. You can also choose to place your optional icon on either the left- or right-hand side of the button.


Choose from 5 different width modes to get the right setup for your buttons, no matter your page’s design.


Add a border to your button for another style. Adjust the border’s color to match your design.

Lone Icon

Choose to disable the button’s label and you can have a button that consists of an icon alone.


Pick a font from our list of web safe fonts, or chose Custom to specify your own label font.