Big White Duck Short Descriptions

  • Bevel - Make angles and bevels on your page with style and simplicity
  • Billboard - Autoscaled & Justified Billboard Text
  • Blueprint - Simple and powerful layout stacks
  • Buttonsplus2 - The ultimate button 
  • Chroma - Position and Style Menus and other content 
  • Clipper - Clip images intoa ny shape you like
  • Glitch - Introduce glitch transformation into images
  • Grummage - The ultimate Foundation column stacks
  • Header Pro - The most powerful header stack there is
  • Joey Extra Content and Reveal Zones for Foundation TopBar
  • Link - a stack to make links either in the dropdown menus or anywhere on your page with some unique features such as badge images. 
  • Limelight  - The ultimate Lightbox
  • MagicGellan 2 - The most complete suite of in-page scrolling stacks 
  • Mouser - Click to scroll stack
  • Paragraph Pro - Beautiful text, made easy and efficient
  • Pin - Make Any Stack Fixed Or Sticky
  • Pop Drop - ToolTips, Popovers, DropDowns and Modals in Style 
  • Pro Styles - Several stacks require 
  • Scribe - The Writers text stack 
  • Scroll Mate 2 - Scroll Triggered Animations 
  • ScrollUp - Fixed Menu Color and Size Transitions on Scroll
  • Sections Box - The ultimate utility box
  • SectionsPro - The Ultimate Layout and Styling Stacks
  • SlideUp - Show and Hide Your Menu On Scroll
  • Pop Drop - 
  • TBSMenus
  • Top Bar Surgeon - TBS Menus Style your topBar your way
  • Vertigrum - Vertical Centering for All Foundation Columns

Big White Duck Long Descriptions


Product Page

Angles and bevels on your page with style and simplicity.


Product Page

So much more than just billboards, Billboard can scale and justify almost any text with style.


Product Page

This bundle contains BluePrint ONE (1 col), BluePrint Sidebar (2 Col) and BluePrint SVG. See the Live Demo for more details. Compatible with all themes. Requires Stacks 3.2.1 or later. IMPORTANTBluePrint backgrounds, overlays, borders and visibility child stacks require that ProStyles is installed in your stacks library.

ButtonPlus 2

Product Page

Super stylish buttons. Integrated drop downs and mega menus. Hover effect and much more. See the
demo page (requires Prostyles) for more information.


Product Page -- Demo Page

Position and Style Menus and other content. Sticky, fixed, style and size changes, slide up and slide away content. Chroma is a suite of stacks that does it all


Product Page -

Create an unlimited number of shapes or designs from images and other stacks


Product Page

Ideally, the most legible typography contains between 45 and 75 characters per line. This is difficult almost impossible to achieve for all screen widths with only CSS media-queries. With FlexiFonts Intelliscale it is easy. FlexiFont allows you to intelligently resize text content and improve typography. Flixifont is unique. It does not use an off the shelf text scaling library like all other stacks do. IntelliScope was written specifically to do more, do it better and be simple to use.

Font Styles for Foundation (deprecated)

Product Page

Position and Style Menus and other content. Sticky, fixed, style and size changes, slide up and slide away content. Chroma is a suite of stacks that does it all

Font pro*

Product Page

Position and Style Menus and other content. Sticky, fixed, style and size changes, slide up and slide away content. Chroma is a suite of stacks that does it all


Product Pag

Lightweight and simple to use, add CSS Glitch effects to make your images and text stand out. Glitch can be activated on hover, when in view or all the time.

Grummage Columns

 Product Page

Renowned for their flexibility and ease of use, Grummage stacks make it easy to get control of your Foundation Columns. Grummage saves space in edit mode and code on your page. If you need a full width background image, just add it straight to the column using Grummage. No need for extra stacks and complexity. This is the essence of Grummage - use what you already have and don't add extra weight if you don't need to.

Header Pro

Product PageDemoSettings

Header Pro allows all the control you ever wanted for a header stack in a light weight super efficient package.

Product page and Demo

Extra content for Top Bar Menu

Product page and Demo

Limelight is a simple to use, beautiful and yet powerful lightbox stack with some truly unique features.

Multiple content types
Simple setup of multiple light boxes using child stacks. Content types can be video, images, maps, web pages (iFrame) and Stacks.

Each Limelight stack controls the styles of as many lightbox child stacks as you want to add. This is the fastest and most efficient way to make lighboxed content.

Super simple launching
To open a Limelight lightbox you just use a class name. No complicated data- attributes means that you can launch from just about anything.

The dedicated Launcher stack makes it even easier and also allows for control of the launcher content with color change, opacity and other useful features.

Limelight Bar is an auto generated menu that can open any or all of the Limelights on your page. This is great for making tabbed content or just to save time.

Magic Gellan2

Product PageExamples, Demo

MagicGellan provides menus, navigation dots, smooth scrolling links and much more besides.

The new MagicGellan2 menu bar is fully responsive with a beautiful animated mobile alternative and supports icons from any icon set.

MagicGellan 2
Completely rewritten and updated, MagicGellan2 is the single page navigation solution for Foundation 5 that everyone asked for.

MagicGellan2 features totally automatic menu generation - no more typing long lists of code or retyping edit mode links when you move page content around. Simply move the MagicMarker, Magic Zone, or Section Stack and the menu is automatically updated.

Magic Markers and zones now support Font Awesome and other icon sets so that you can add icons to your menu items - again totally automatically.

The new Nav Dots stack is now stand alone and can be used with or without a MagicGellan menu bar on the page.

The Stacks

MagicGellan 2
MagicGellan 2 is a complete re-write of the original stack. Producing 60% less code yet with almost twice the features. MagicGellan 2 is completely responsive with its own custom animated mobile menu.

Magic Dots
New to the suite is the Magic Dots stack. No longer integrated into MagicGellan you can now have nav dots on any site. As a standalone stack we have now been able to add a lot more styling and layout options.

Magic Marker 2
Magic Markers define the scroll-to points on your page but also automatically create the menu. Now including support for FontAwesome icons in your menus and a huge amount of styling options for individual menu items. Responsively hide or show any menu item at any screen size.

Magic Zone 2
Magic Zones have had the same total re-make as Markers. With lots of styling and responsive controls they allow you to add external links, light boxes and dropdown mega menus to a MagicGellan bar. Magic Zones can be used to insert buttons into your menu or even create a responsive icon bar menu.

Magic Link
The Magic Link stack can be used without the main MagicGellan stack to make a smooth scrolling link to anywhere you put a marker on your page. Use it to scroll down a hero header or to provide section by section up and down scroll links from any content such as a button or image stack.


Product Page

Paragraph Pro

Product Page

Beautiful text, made easy and efficient. Allows Newspaper Columns, Read More, Drop Caps, Floating Images, Vertical Rhythm


Product PageLive Demo
Make Any Stack Fixed Or Sticky. Pin allows you to turn anything into an animated sticky stack. With lots of options for style and content control it has a million uses.

Pop Drop

Product PageDemo

ToolTips, Popovers, DropDowns and Modals in Style

Give your users extra information without using up page space. Elegant and contemporary Popovers and Tooltips. Classic dropdowns and menus that you can add to any stack.

As used extensively on BWD for all the dropdowns in information popovers.

Pro Styles*

Product Page

Sections Pro Master Styles allow you to define a group of settings and apply any or all of them to any Sections stack on the page. This is great for repeating section colours, styles or sizing.


Product Page

Concentrate on your content and not multiple text stacks. Make stylish headers, paragraphs, lists, quotes and lots more. Produce better HTML for your finished page without any effort.

Scroll Mate

Product PageDemo

Scroll Triggered Animations. Powerful scroll animations; Low impact on browser performance. ScrollMate only animates properties that are light on processing power so your pages stay smooth even with lots of animations.

Sections Box

Product PageLive Demo

Add backgrounds and overlays to any stack. Reponsive padding and visibility controls. Use with Sections Pro animate to create hover captions
Works with or without Sections Pro.

Sections Pro

Product PageLive DemoHome Page and Resources

The ultimate layout and styling stacks. A go any where, doing anything stack that will unleash your design creativity. Sections Pro makes unique layouts possible with ease, produces beautiful gradient and image effects and so much more.


Product Page

Content is King. If your page requires focus on images or indeed any of its content then SlideUp is the answer. Mobile touch device friendly and simple to use, SlideUp can add that final polish to any menu.


SlideUp allows your TopBar, header, or any other content to animate up out of view as the page is scrolled down.

Scroll back up the page, just a little, and Slide Up will bring TopBar conveniently back into view.

SlideUp has 4 animation effects both 2D and 3D.

The 3D animations are automatically replaced as your settings when displayed on touch screen devices that are incompatible.

Sticky Mode
SlideUp also has an InvisiSticky mode so that you can use all the great scroll up features with a sticky menu - No other SlideUp header does this.

The menu can start below a header image and will stick to the top of the browser when scrolled. Once stuck the Slide Up behaviour will commence.

Sticky Grummage

Product Page

Make any stacks sticky inside an equal height column. Make sticky sidebars, sticky sectional titles and lots more. Very easy to use.

TBS Menus & TB Surgeon

Product Page

Style almost every aspect of the Foundation TopBar. Create unique designs and layouts that were not previously possible.


Product Page

Typer will type out text. It can also replace and retype part or all of the text and has lots of custom styling options. Typer allows you to specify a series of words or phases, Smart Replace will just highlight and replace those characters and words that are changed from one phase to the next. This is exactly the same as if you were highlighting and retyping the text yourself. See the live demo page for examples of how it works.


Product Page

Vertical Centering for All Foundation Columns. Vertigrum does not use absolute positioning so the flow of your content in the page is not affected and everything behaves perfectly responsively. Responsive Breakpoint Control. Vertical entering makes no sense one responsive columns have stacked one on top of another on small screens. Vertigrum will by default remove the vertical centering for small screens but also allows you to set when and if this happens. For example, you may set the foundations columns so as not to stack if they contain small content such as icons. In this case simply set the VertiGrum breakpoint to Never and your content will be vertically centered across the row even on small screens.