PopDrop Drop Downs from Buttons

This Page shows how to use PopDrops with buttons.

You can use PopDrop with anything to which you can add a link - which is just about any stack there is if you wrap it in one of the free Link stacks that are available.

Please note that if you are using Foundation then this is best down using the direct integration with ButtonPlus 2. No settings or link attributes are necessary in this mode.

Things to note

Our second level submenu is not set to Contained Width as this would contain it to the width of its parent link and not the button.
The Submenu PopDrop must also have its "This is a nested PopDrop" setting enabled so that it doesn't close the first one as it opens.
The dropdowns are set to position: bottom. Auto Vertical would work just as well and allow them to appear above when space limitations required it.
This is a popover launched from a button.
We can add whatever stacks we want including columns and images.
Here's a link to the BWD website.
Stacks Image 98

Things to note

Not a lot really. Just use the default settings and you have great popovers with no work.

All we need to do is add a link to the button with a custom data attribute as shown in the green bar at the top of the stack.
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