Defligra - Divider Stacks
Line Deluxe

Lines and dividers for your RapidWeaver Stacks page RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info: Very customizable Line Stack. Define thickness, color, shadow. Make it solid, dotted, dashed and more. Turn it into a spacer. Extremely useful, extremely fast to use.

You add a spacer – then wonder how it would look with a simple or nice styled line?

What do you do? Drag in another stack to test? No! With the free LineDeluxe Stack you got both a line & spacer stack. One click is all you need to change it from a line to a spacer or the other way around.

Stitch and emboss, has top/bottom Colors and shadows
On the track
Preview before you dive down the settings. Try to change the size of the window to see how the stack responds on smaller screens.

The LineDeluxe Stack has an option to turn it into a spacer. This is great if you don't know if a divider or a spacer works best… you can just adjust the settings to make it work the way that fits best in your design.

This is a layout stack meaning it has a lot of features that can be used in a lot of different ways. It's impossible for me to know exactly how you'll be using this Stack (there's 1000 Stacks around) + write a tutorial that will cover all users… so play around. If you get stuck shoot me an e-mail.