Doobox Stacks: Hunter 3 through Responsive(Shim)

Hunter 3

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Hunter can filter it's content blocks by categories you define them as being.

Premium stack to filter chunks of page content by categories you define, and your visitor clicks.

Filters: You can define 1 or more categories that each block of content you add to the stack belongs to. The categories you define for your content blocks are automatically added to the stacks filter navigation bar.

Mixed Content: Allows your user to quickly find what they are looking for, allowing them to filter large amounts of content based on categories you have defined.

Image Plus

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Images alone don’t always tell the whole story. The stack allows you to control the presentation of images and associated info.

The stack is designed to show Images and associated content in a completely new and aesthetically pleasing way. You have the ability to display any image with accompanying descriptive content, by means of a custom content column that slides into view along with the image when triggered by your user. Custom content is very flexible, allowing you to add all manner of stacks to this section.


Info Page (Bad link in stack)

Easily animate anything as it appears into view.

34 possible animation styles.

Choose from one of the 36 built in animation styles that may be applied to any stack as it comes into your visitors view.

Little Mouse

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Click me and I will scroll straight to my cheese, where ever you placed it.

Place a piece of cheese anywhere in the page. Click to send him scrolling to his tasty morsel.

So if you clicked the little mouse in the header above, you were scrolled to this section because we placed a piece of cheese right at the top of this section for the little mouse to scroll down to.


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Offers a way for your visitors to inspect the finest detail in your images.

There are two modes to choose from.

Primary mode : Gives a retina style Loupe when the image is hovered over. Secondary mode: Makes the entire image zoom and slide when hovered over.

The stack only requires you drop one image into it. It takes that image and reduces it by 50% to present in the page. When hovered, all the original detail is restored in the zoomed area (Loupe/ Content Box).

The stack really shines on mobile devices, allowing dragging the loupe around with the touch of your finger. The icing on the cake is the fact that the image remains responsive at all times


Online Help

Love it is a self supporting liking system that requires no database or initial setup.

Simply drop a Loveit stack anywhere in your page, and start collecting likes. The stack requires no database or any initial setup. A visitor clicking your Loveit stack will increment the count up. The stack is smart enough to know if a returning visitor gave an instance of the stack a click previously. So no one may sit there clicking the stack repeatedly giving a dishonest like count.

Loveit communicates with it own PHP file to keep count of the likes, but doing this via Ajax ensures that the stack has no need to force you page to have a .php file extension. This is critical to maintaining already established inbound links to a page that is currently of the .html type.

Map 2

Online Help (Bad link in Stack)

Create fully responsive maps with between one and unlimited map locations and pixel perfect vector based map marker pins. Offer your users driving directions to any of your locations.

Location Aware: Map 2 can find your users precise current location and guide them directly to your door.


Info Page

Constrains content max width responsively, at different device sizes.

Designed to give you fine grain control over the maximum width any piece of stacks content can ever be based on the current users screen size.

Not only can Max responsively control the max width of your content at different screen widths, but it can realign the content differently at different screen widths if you wish.

So you are in the process of laying out some new page content, and you hit a point where you think "I need to be able to restrict the width of this chunk", but applying margins or padding to the left and right of the chunk is not the answer, as on smaller screens you don't want to see this extra space you applied with padding for example.

Montage 2

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A gallery of images that will always arrange it's self into a perfect rectangle.

This stack takes full advantage of the new plugin features. Images are created in two sizes at the moment you drop them into the stack so smaller versions load as fast as possible, while larger originals are presented in all their glory when viewed in the built in light-box. The stack has a great new edit mode user interface, with handy mini HUD’s to get a sense of what your settings changes are doing in real time before previewing. (check out Edit Mode section below).

A perfect rectangle: No matter how many images or the proportions of those images, the stack will always arrange the images into a perfect complete rectangle presentation. You have many options to configure the look and feel, including row height, spacing, and what happens on hover, to name but a few.

Touch enabled light-box: Clicking images will allow navigating through the set in a touch enabled light-box. On mobile devices users are able to navigate forward and backward through the gallery using touch swipe gestures. This is fast becoming the expected behaviour on touch screen devices.

Night Time

Info Page

Show different content or alter CSS attributes at night.

So it's evening time for your visitor. Is there something you'd like to show them that is more relevant at night? The stack will allow you to add or swap out content to be displayed to your visitor at night. Simply use the provided drag and drop areas to separate your day and night content.

Note, you have total control of the hours that are considered "night time".

If you know a little CSS, you can get really creative, by applying a whole new look to your page at night. Simply add your CSS that should kick in at night time.


Info Page

You must have seen it pop up by now. The attention grabbing notifications stack, that appears in the top right of the window when this page loads.

Overview. Designed to add native styled popup notifications in your page. These can contain any thumbnail image and message you like. You can add links to your latest thing, or inform the visitor of some action they need to take. The uses are endless.

There are 3 ways to trigger a notification :

On page load On a Timer When the user scrolls to the location on the page the stack has been placed.

Obscure Email

Info Page

Blind those harvesting robots, that trawl your site for email addresses.

Hides visible email addresses from trawling robots. Trawling robots visit your pages every day, some collect email addresses to be used for spam. Stop them now.

So you would like to display a plain email address as text on your page, but your worried about trawling robots harvesting the email addresses. You should be..! Email harvesting robots visit your site all the time. This stack will prevent them from obtaining email addresses you include in your page, and stop that resulting in spam emails.

Using the stack, email addresses can't be harvested from your pages by trawling robots / spiders.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Is your business actually open, when someone from the other side of the world comes to visit your website?

Big change 9/10/18 Now requires a Google API key to function. (See FAQ for more details)


Online Help

Add YouTube or self hosted video as a background, behind any stacks content.

Play allows you to create a video background directly behind any stacks content, using either a YouTube or a self hosted video. It has a multitude of simple one click options, for controlling how that video content area is displayed.


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Section backgrounds that animate through a chosen series of colours.

Using Psychedelic is just like using a default 1 column stack. It allows you to place anything you like inside, with the added feature of allowing you to make the background animate through a selection of colours.

You may choose up to 8 colours to animate through. And you may choose the speed (in seconds) that it takes to animate through the number of colours you have chosen to use.

The stack is completely CSS based, not relying on javascript in any way.


Online Help. (URL on Doobox is incorrect)

Allows you to place other stacks in Quarantine so they will never be seen in preview or the published page.

The stack is designed to allow you to place other stacks inside of it that you may have spend some time setting up, but you'd like to temporarily remove from your page, instead of deleting them.

The stack is not just hiding it's content with CSS, it's using an element of the plugin API that ensures the contents of the stack are never even exported to the Rapidweaver preview, or the published page.


Online Info

Rateit is a self supporting rating system that requires no database or initial setup.

Simply drop a Rateit stack anywhere in your page, and start collecting ratings. The stack requires no database or any initial setup. A visitor clicking your Rateit stack will have their rating count toward the overall average rating. The stack is smart enough to know if a returning visitor gave an instance of the stack a click previously. So no one may sit there clicking the stack repeatedly giving a dishonest rating.

A visitor may click the same stack again at any time to change their rating, and the stack will recalculate the average rating based on that change, not treat the second or any subsequent click as a new rating.

Reflect 2

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Generates dramatic reflections below any image you drop inside.

Behaving like a default image stack, Reflect allows you to drag and drop any image inside. Images then have a dramatic reflection applied beneath them.

You can control the length of the reflection and it's reflectivity, as well as it's offset to give the illusion of the original image floating slightly above the surface.


Online Help

The most advanced yet simple to use, responsive column layout stack for the Stacks plugin.

The entire concept of this layout system revolves around the magic number 12. There are 12 imaginary columns across the stack regardless of the screen size. You decide how many of those 12 imaginary columns each of your columns in the stack will occupy at the different screen sizes on offer. You can also specify 0 for any column which will hide that column completely.

Responsive Shim

Online Info

Responsive aware spacer stack