Doobox: Rinse through xSizer


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Mouseover will cause image to change from greyscale to color or vice versa

Stacks Image 45


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Pulls its content up and over the content above.

You can place anything you like inside Skyward. You set the distance that you'd like the content pulled up and over the content above. Images, text, or complete sections you have built. Skyward will lift anything.


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(Spin 1) Randomly Rotates your content, keeping the page fresh and inspiring.

Spin will allow you to add multiple blocks of content, and only one block will be displayed at random, each time the page loads.

Would you like to have the ability to have up to twenty different blocks of content, and display only one at a time at random each time a user visits your page..? Then Spin is for you..!


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A content container with a dynamically generated, controllable star field background.


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Super simple website statistics, every Rapidweaver can use.

You should know which pages on your website are getting attention, and which are not, so you can better adapt to that information. Now with this stack it is easier than ever to have that information at hand. This super simple to deploy stack will have you collecting valuable statistics in minutes.

There is no initial setup to use the stack. It does not use a database. It uses a flat text file (created automatically) to store the data. While your server should be running PHP, there is no need to change your current page extension to PHP. You simply drop in the stack, and you are good to go.

When the stack is in Admin mode, an administrator password is required to access the statistics, keeping them away from prying eyes.


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Allows you to have an eternal moving background image as a background behind any other stacks content.


Online Info Scalable Vector Graphics

Image Stack that allows SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) to be used. They can be scaled easily.


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Image light-boxing where and when you need it. Built in hover effects.

Swell will instantly light-box any image with a unique animation. It has a selection of built in thumbnail hover effects, and is intended to be used anywhere in your page.

So you want to place an image somewhere in your page. You want the detail of the image to be seen by the visitor, but placing it in the page in all it's full size glory is just too overpowering for the rest of the page layout.

Tab 2

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A fully responsive Tabbed content stack re-invented.

There are a multitude of tabbed content stacks out there, but we decided we could go one step further in the pursuit of perfect responsive design. When the stack is viewed on smaller screen sizes, where the tabs may be too wide to still fit in the available horizontal space, it automatically switches into an accordion mode, with a few more tricks up it’s sleeve.


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Flows your content through a series of dynamic columns.

You set the desired column width, and add your content in the form of other stacks inside. From there on out, Tabloid will handle the flow of the content through the maximum amount of columns it can fit in the current screen width at the size you set.

When the screen gets smaller the stack will accommodate by reducing the number and width of the columns where necessary.


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You can now move any stack to your themes sidebar.

Simply add any or many stacks inside of the Teleporter stack. Each Teleporter stack has a unique text key. Now all you need to do is type that text key in your themes sidebar, and the stacks you added inside of the Teleporter stack will now be displayed in the sidebar exactly where you typed that key.

You can in fact move a stack or stacks to any location on the page you can type text.

You can if you find a need, type the text key in multiple locations in your page. Everywhere you type the key, the stacks you added inside Teleporter will be displayed.

True Download

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True Download 2 is a smarter way to distribute file downloads. Know what's moving!

True Download provides a download button linked to any downloadable file type anywhere on the web, or located in your Rapidweaver resources. When your user chooses to download your file from the button, they will never leave your page. (Normally linking to a downloadable file resource, would open the browser in a new window or tab).

The button can optionally track and display the number of times the file has been downloaded. It's smart to. If you use multiple buttons pointing at the same file for download it will automatically sync the download count on all of those buttons.


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Trunk8 will compress long excerpts of text and adds a read more link at the end. You decide how many lines of text are visible regardless of screen size before the visitor clicks your read more link.

Clicking the read more link expands the stack to reveal the text in its entirety. Perfect for situation where you'd like columns of unequal amounts of text to not interfere with your vertical layout.

You decide what the link to expand the text reads. It does not have to say "Read More".

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In its simplest form Typist automatically types out the text you enter inside with a human-like feel. But it does not stop there. There is so much more Typist can do. Like, show some other content when it has finished typing its text.


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Vegas add beautiful background animations behind any stacks content. That's demo one you saw above when you arrived.

Video Plus

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Video Plus offers total control over the presentation of your YouTube and Vimeo videos.

The stack is designed to show YouTube and Vimeo videos in a completely new and aesthetically pleasing way. You have the ability to display any video with accompanying descriptive content, by means of a custom content column that slides into view along with the video when triggered by your user. Custom content is very flexible, allowing you to add all manner of stacks to this section.


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X-Sizer allows you to get size information about various elements of your page, in a few different ways.

Window mode: In window mode the stack will display a ruler the entire width of the window that you may drag up and down the window to get information about the documents scroll position, and the position of any element relative to the top of the document.

Container mode: In container mode, you see a ruler displayed in the stack you placed it. This will give you the exact width of the available horizontal space inside the stack, so you can better decide on an appropriate image size for example.

iMac Stage

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Provides you with a virtual fully responsive iMac Computer Image to showcase your images. Simple drag and drop any image, from 1 to as many as you like to complete your slideshow.

Gives you a virtual iMac in the page, where you can present any image you like on the iMac screen.

You can add extra images, and doing so will turn it into a slideshow. You can use any image and add as many as you like.

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