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Take your freedom to the next level

Many years ago, a new way of building sites with RapidWeaver was dreamed up using the Blocks plugin from YourHead. This was accomplished with the revolutionary Blocks Box theme from Jonas Themes. Blocks Box broke the paradigm of requiring a theme to build the shell of your website. Since then, others have done a great job at extending this idea to the Stacks plugin. However, the Foundation theme and stacks take this concept to an entirely new level!

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Save your layouts

The user stack and global text features in Stacks 2.5 are an amazing way to save your page layouts for use on other pages. Spend lots of time designing that perfect footer? Save it and add it to all of your new pages. Or use the Global Content stack to import it into every page.

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Fully Responsive

Foundation is 100% responsive so that your site will look beautiful across all devices. Foundation is built on the mobile first philosophy, which will help you focus on your site's visitors while they are on the go.

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Global Templates

Just because your entire theme is built using stacks, does not mean that you will have to duplicate your work on every page. Foundation ships with many global templates for site styles and navigation. This means that when you change the settings on one page, it will be reflected across all of your page. Powerful.