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Zero lines of code

Foundation for RapidWeaver allows you to build an entire website without writing a single line of code. There are stacks available for every Foundation component. Simply drag-and-drop the component stacks on to the page and use their easy-to-use settings pane to make them bend to your will.

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Functional protoypes

If you are a designer, chances are that you have built prototypes with apps like Photoshop, Sketch or OmniGraffle. The reason that we use tools like this is that its faster then trying to hand code the webpage. However, these prototypes are completely static and not interactive at all. Foundation for RapidWeaver allows you to build fully functional prototypes that can be be interacted with on all of your devices because its an actual webpage.

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Get projects done faster

Through building fully functional prototypes and not having to hand code everything, we can produce completed projects faster. By showing our clients prototypes that they can interact with, we can be richer feedback from them earlier in the process. Therfore we can deliver a better product, faster.

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You can purchase a single user license for all the software required for just over $200. You are going to be able to easily recoup this cost with the time it will save you in the first project alone. Volume pricing is also available on request.