RapidWeaver by Realmac

Step 1: The desire to build something great...

Foundation for RapidWeaver is like nothing else out there. If you want to break out of the mold of themes and build the exact website that you have imagined, then look no further than the Foundation theme and stacks.

RapidWeaver by Realmac

Step 2: RapidWeaver 6

RapidWeaver is a web design Mac app developed by Realmac Software. However, its so much more than just an app. It's a framework. RapidWeaver has a large ecosystem of themes and plugins that allow 3rd party developers to extend the native abilities of the application. We may be a little biased but we feel that its the most fun way to design a webpage!

My Image

Step 3: Stacks 3

Speaking of the amazing ecosystem built around RapidWeaver, the Stacks plugin by YourHead Software is a must have. Stacks allows you to build your webpage using stacks. A stack is like a building block that can literally be anything: columns, image, gallery, video, and more. There are hundreds of stacks available to make your web weaving life so much easier.


Step 4: Foundation Addons

Now that you have RapidWeaver and Stacks, its time to download the Foundation Theme and purchase your copy of the Foundation Stacks. Proceed to step 5 and make your websites great!

Step 5: Now go forth and make your websites great!

Get Started with Foundation