Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure you don't mess around with your RW3Template Partial and wipe out your Tips and tricks page
  • When editing a Partial, "Edit" turns into "Unpack". This means Unpack Portable Documents. That is, remove one level of partial when editing a given partial. It will leave a 2nd or 3rd level partial packed.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - per Dan Counsell Video
CMD N - Add new page
CMD OPT N - Add new project
CMD Backspace - Remove new page
CMD R - Toggle between Edit and Preview
CMD Shift E - Export Site (remember to set default folder)
CMD OPT SHIFT E - Export to default folder
CMD 1 - Project Settings
CMD 2 - Page List
CMD P - View project in default browser
CMD OPT P - Preview in Browser
CMD OPT V - Paste with no Styling (Plain Text)
CMD Shift C - Color Menu
"CMD OPT ." - Removes Formatting (cmd option period)
CMD OPT L - Toggles Pages Sidebar (left of edit screen)
CMD SH I - Toggle Inspector Sidebar (right of edit screen)
CMD OPT 1 - 6 Cycle through page inspector tabs
CMD OPT U - Displays code behind a page
CMD OPT T - Theme browser
Publishing Settings
CMD K - Publishing Settings
CMD Shift K - Publish Site