
Labeling content for our visitors is incredibly helpful. The Badge tool is great for organizating and categorizating your content, and helps different sections stand out within your layout.

Wide Shadow, Yellow Text
Pill, left-aligned
Block Button, Gradient Overlay

The Caption tool is a small modular element that allows us to create notations, citations, photo captions and more.

Image is 207x155, Centered, Linked,
Rounded Corners, Primary Color


A tool with a singular purpose – divide content on your pages. It is a great way to organize and clean up your content. Used in default form throughout this document. Note, apparently there is no thickness setting for the divider. Also see the Animated Divider and Rainbow Bar for variations.

Default: Grey-500, Solid, 100% width (75% so it would stand out)

Green, Dashed, 50%

Danger, Dotted, Badge, 25%

Orange, Solid, Wide Shadow, 50%

Footer Info

This simple one-use tool allows you to include your footer information on your page where you like, pulled straight from your site settings. It also has some style settings.

Centered, Font Weight 400, Font Style Red,
Link Style Blue, Left Aligned