Accordian Tool

Horizontal Drop Zones - Any Content Desired

Stacks Image 361

Stacks Image 368

Ivy Stack - Elixir's Accordian with more features

Horizontal Drop Zones - Control over open speed, Open all at once, styling options, choice of open/close icons.

  • Mount Ranier, Washington
    Stacks Image 381
  • Sewage Pump
  • Lake Chabot, Castro Valley, California
Open all Close all

Card Tool

Custom Cards, any combnation of elements you want.

Example Card

This is the main text of a card stack. The card s/tack has several elements in it and mor can be added,. Try visiting

Second Header

Cinema Tool

Run a movie in the background

Deer on the run

Kinetic Tool

Create background slideshows to place behind your content.

A very likely scenario

Slider Tool

H\highly customizable and allows for images and more to be used as your slide content,

Tabs Tool

Create a foe-folder like interface for organizing your site's content.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"


  • This is the default HTML.
  • You can replace it with your own.
  • Include your own code without the HTML, Head, or Body tags.

Off Canvas Tool

Build hidden sidebars for navigation, information and more.

Off Canvas

Foundry's Card Tool

Being displayed in the Off Canvas Page

All this informattion can be displayed in the off canvas page with any click of the mouse.