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The key to Hidden spaces is that it's simpler than it seems.
  • Drag the hidden spaces stack (with the toggle button & invisible message) to where you want it to be.
  • Figure out from under which "rock" you want your invisible message to appear
  • Compose your invisible message
  • Use one of four methods to reveal your message, one being a custom method that will move aside another stack The four methods are:
    • Body
    • Wrapper
    • Section
    • Stack
    • In addion there are animation options for each method
      • Open Left
      • Open Right
      • Open Down
      • Open up
      • Amimate Slow
      • Animate Fast
      • Scale Up
      • Scale Down
      • Blur Opacity
      • Shadows

Note: I found that this stack doesn't play well with other modals on the page.

I would like Hidden Spaces Explanation to be shown right below this line of text

The key to Hidden spaces is that it's simpler than it seems.
  • Drag the hidden spaces stack (with the toggle button & invisible message) to where you want it to be.
  • Figure out from under which "rock" you want your invisible message to appear
  • Compose your invisible message
  • Use one of four methods to reveal your message, one being a custom method that will move aside another stack The four methods are:
    • Body
    • Wrapper
    • Section
    • Stack
    • In addion there are animation options for each method
      • Open Left
      • Open Right
      • Open Down
      • Open up
      • Amimate Slow
      • Animate Fast
      • Scale Up
      • Scale Down
      • Blur Opacity
      • Shadows

Note: I found that this stack doesn't play well with other modals on the page.