Joe Workman Stack Demos


After the elevator stack has been applied, at a certain distance into a web page, an icon will appear when clicked, will return the user to the top of the web page. Options exist to style the icon with color or a custom image for the active and hover state of the "elevator" icon.

Foundation Starter Stacks


Foundation Addon Pack 1


Foundation Add-on Pack 2


Jack and Jack Hover

Six Jack stack examples. (1) with this text that's edge-to-edge, (2) with photo surrounded by "circle", (3) Jack Hover that shrinks vertically with gradient, (4) picture frame Jack, (5) Jack Hover that shrinks horizontally with gradient and (6) blank Jack with gradient
Stacks Image 239

Hover - shrinks box vertically

Stacks Image 253

Hover - shrinks box horizontally

Two Color Blend


Joe Workman Demo (click on DEMO)

Example text in Letterpress stack with Palatno font type and raised shadow effect (gold color). The JW demo, show many many variations that are available. Linked text is not possible with the Letterpress stack. The fonts are limited with only 22, but with 18 additional shadow effects, many variants are possible (see the Demo).

Example text in Styled Text stack in the Letterpress Box stack with with Geneva font type and raised shadow effect (blue text, red shadow). The Joe Workman Demo, shows the many font type variations that are available. The Letterpress Box allows stacks to be applied (Styled Text in this case) with linked text


This provides either a solid color rectangle with configurable width/height or an image with a configurable width/height to place in a stack when your image is "to be developed". Allows pro forma development

Static Height

Static Height is supposed to make multiple columns of text the same height. So I set min/max height to 100/200 and made the text scrollable. Not sure how this is going to work, though.
So this column.
And this column should all be as tall as the 1st column


This is some Styled Text on a Styled Stack. The Styled stack itself has a 5 pixel shadow and blue gradient color and 10 px padding. This is a precursor to the Jack stack.


1 Explanation
2 Applying Colors
3 Inserted Image 350x350 wood icon


Stacks Image 371

Target Rocks!