Foundry - Zoom

A magical little lightbox that puts your imagery center stage. Dismisses itself automatically as visitors scroll away.

  • Beautifully animated lightbox effect
  • Style and align image within your layout
  • Add a stylized Icon indicator to your zoom image
  • Choose between using a drag-and-drop or remote based image for your zoom stack
  • Dismisses itself if visitor scrolls away
Foundry - Modal

The Modal stack allows you to create popover dialog windows into which you can insert your own modular content using other Foundry stacks.

  • Customize trigger button text
  • Opt to use an image instead of a button trigger
  • Set button alignment and size
  • Adjust the styling for trigger button
  • Include icon in trigger button
  • A-nimate popup window
  • Ve-rtically center modal on page
  • Add a closer icon to modal window -I nclude a header and / or footer on window
  • Set header text alignment
  • Style Modal stack from main Foundry stack
Foundry - MegaModal

Build a lightweight, full-screen modal window that houses your content in a customizable overlay. Great for when you need to make sure you have your visitor’s full attention.

  • Build beautiful, full page modal overlays.
  • Select animation styles for loading and closing the modal overlay.
  • Style the modal and its controls to match your site.
  • Use either a button or an image as the trigger for opening your modal.
Stacks Image 59