Multithemes Stacks

Purpose: To demonstrate most Multithemes stacks.

This is an exercise to configure each of my Multithemes stacks. Twenty of my 24 Multithemes stacks are demonstrated here. Four were not (Admix, Aura, Display Desk, and Imageup). The 4 Pop stacks were consolidated into one page making a total of 20 web pages demonstrating Multithemes Stacks. I decided to use the Foundry 3 Theme for its ease of use and clear documentation.

Listed below is a one line summary and link to their web page, of all 24 Multithemes stacks. I also purchased their 7 theme bundle that will be used/demonstrated elsewhere.

  • Admix -  CSS Image overlapping, sliding effects with many options. Add layer that will scroll over another
  • Aura - Add animated shape effect to a column
  • Backgrounds - Multi-layered background hero page with CSS blending effects.
  • Bendbox - Bend images & html boxes like postcards. Also customize animation shadows and drop shadows.
  • Borders - Create vector line style with animation or static
  • BoxedTitles - Sliding effects template that contains 4 smooth, minimal and dynamically animated full screen titles.
  • ClipText - Create titles that use the background image.
  • DisplayDesk - Brighten up Youtube/Vimeo with vector screens collection. Styled shapes
  • Dividers - Many variety of dividers, animated or static
  • Double - Click on image and show another
  • HypeTitles - Title Animations. Customize colors, fit text
  • Image Up - Customize viewport trigger for all animations, BG scale, fade-in and so on. Over 35 templates
  • InfoCard - Creative digital cards, gradients, animated backgrounds, blending mode, titles, custom fonts
  • Path - Guide users with vertical bar in one page site
  • Picture - Images, with captions, customizable hover effects
  • PocketBar - Smart sliding box section with contents and a scroll indicator
  • PopBands - Special bands/lines with 80 templates. Special column for RW Stacks
  • PopBlend - Image interactive scroll and blend with vector shapes and embedded transparent PNGs
  • PopDisplay - Present animation of video content and images with links.
  • PopImage - Create original contents and interactivity for users
  • Slide Message - Slide Control to read, send msg, visit site
  • Solid - Banners have 3D animations. Choose the animation, customize the text, drag and drop in your images and your logo
  • TiltImage - Image lightweight parallax hover tilt effect
  • Uncover - Vector Animations applied to images. Has a simulator.