Defligra - Textfit Stack

The TextFit Stack will adjust the size of the text to the available width of the surrounding Stack.

  • Use TextFit Stack when you don't want to add a fixed font size in pixels but want the text to take up the container width.

  • Make text lines with different number of words take up exactly same width.

  • Special features: Option to add custom css to the TextFit Stack and a user defined breakpoint.

One Liner Blow Up
Align Text Stack

he main purpose of the Stack is to make it fast and simple to align text, but there's so much more to this stack. It's a stack you'll probably use in every project once you've learned how easy it is to work with.

Drag, click, adjust and you' good to go.

This text is within a TextAlign Stack. All aspects of the text and background can be adjusted, as can links. Could be handh if you're in a tight spot.

Boxing Text Stack - 8 stacks

The Boxing Stacks bundle is a PageLayout Tool with 8 stacks making it easy to create and maintain a boxed layout. Main feature: You can control all settings from the ‘master stack’ – which makes it a vey fast PageLayout Tool.

Description Stylec Txt

Master/Servant stack that allows setting of multiple text stack instances with one Master stack

Textpal Master - Settings are applied here
Textpal Servant 1 - All stacks with same ID are controlled by the master stack

The Equal Height Stack will allow you to create content to a grid with equal heights. This is great if you wana stick a button or an image to the bottom of the grid and have all buttons or images aligned across your grid.

Special features: On smartphones the Equal Height Stack will release the fixed content (dropzone 2). But what if you have two different grids on your page and want different heights? No problem… the Equal Height Stack has you covered!

Note: The Equal Height Stack is a more advanced Stack than the GoGrid Height Stack that comes free with the GoGrid. The Equal Height Stack allows you to define more than one 'Equal Height'.
Text Marker

A simple and fast styled Stack that does just one thing. It hilites multilined text like a text marker. Great for headlines and highlights.

Note: Looks best in Safari, Chrome, Opera.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
Split Headline

The Split Headline Stack for the RapidWeaver Stacks plugin is created to make if fast and easy to create list, all kind of lists. It's – of course – responsive.

List of employees List of prices List of anything

Special features: Style added images and of course headlines split in two columns. Change links to buttons. Add a 'moving' gradient to headlines.

Add a link, use the Split Headline Stack to style it, and you have a great looking button. No need to add tons of buttons – if you need tons of buttons. Just define a link and style it. Want round images? Define once and push to all Split Headline Servant Stacks.

The Stack comes with a Master & Servant Stack meaning you use the Master Stack once on your page, and servant Stacks for the rest. When you make changes to the Master Stack the changes will be transferred to all Servant Stacks.

Headline Content

Headline & Content Stacks The Headline & Content Stack is create to make it fast and easy to create blocks of headlines & content (text stacks, image stacks and other Stacks. The things that is part of all websites.

The Headline & Content Stacks have their own user defined BreakPoints making it easy to define, how your headlines, text and images look on all screens.

Headline & Content Stacks are created to make it faster and easier to organise your headlines, text & images.

The Headline & Content Stacks uses the Master & Servant concept. Make changes to the Master Stack and push changes to all Servant Stacks. No need to make adjustments to all Stacks if your client changes his mind about font size or font colors!

The Headline & Content Stack doesn't do much more that you could achieve with default Stack (if you got the time), but it does it faster! and it does have a few nice extra tricks up the sleeves!

The Headline & Content Stacks gives you the control to overrule your themes default settings when you need to. The Headline & Content Servant Stacks aren't completely dump! The can still overrule their masters voice!

Special features: Zoom images on hover. Turn links into buttons (in all Servant Stacks too). Add your own custom css.

Option to add an overlay color if you use a background image.

'One Stack to rule 'em all' – the Master Stack will define settings in all Servant Stacks but with an option for Servant Stacks to overrule some of the important settings like colors.


Store your favorite colors within your RapidWeaver file RapidWeaver Stacks add-on info: A simple yet powerful helper stack for all your projects – keep a list of all your website colors.

Be inspired by the predefines color schemes: Vincent van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Leonardo da Vinchy, Superman 1950!


Doesn't appear to have a doc file

Blacklight fun From DeFliGra

The Target Txt Stack allows you to wrap the Target Txt Stack around groups of default Text Stacks and style ALL Text Stacks from the Target Txt Stack. The Helper Stack: Color Box Stack will allow you to color individuel Text Stacks – see the example below
The Space Master & Servant Space Stacks + The Target Txt & Color Box Stack are made to make it faster to create your RapidWeaver Stacks layout. Speed is the name of the game here! Never again you'll have to dive down tons of stacks to change the whitespace or text stacks.

Space Master & Servant Stack
With the Space Master & Servant Stack you can control your whitespace throughout your RapidWeaver Stacks page or your entire RapidWeaver Stacks site – for computers, tablets and smartphones. Space Master Stack is created to fine tune the whitespace.

And one more thing! What if your client says… could we try to add a line between the different groups of content? How would that look? No need to start all over – the Space Master Stack has you covered. It works with lines too, you know!

All Stacks are responsive and give you the greatest control over spacing (margin and padding) on computer screens, tablets and smartphones. If you can see the idea of not having to dive down every Stack to adjust padding, margin and other settings, then you should consider theTxt Target Stacks & Space Master bundle.
Use the Target Txt & Color Box Stacks (bundle) to adjust settings for groups of default Text Stacks. Wrap it around groups of text Stacks and style all Text Stacks from the Target Txt Stack. Bonus: Space Master & Servant Stack. Take charge of your white space.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.

Respond 2 - Responsive Text

Show different content for different screen sizes: Computer, tablet, smartphone. Bundled with the Respond Stack that'll allow you to perfect font sizes for all screens sizes. One of my own favourites.

If it's what you do and you can do it, then you do it.
If it's what you do and you can do it, then you do it.