About PCC

The three words whose initials start with PCC that mean saving your family history for posterity were obtained thru perplexity.com. They are… “Preserve, Collect, Cherish”. To be used when the PC Community website goes away.

Preserving family history means taking steps to safeguard and maintain important documents, artifacts, and oral histories related to one's ancestors and family legacy.[2] Collecting refers to the process of gathering and compiling these materials, which could include photographs, letters, diaries, heirlooms, and recorded stories.[2][3] Cherishing signifies valuing and treasuring these records as a means of honoring one's heritage and ensuring it is passed down to future generations.[2]

By preserving, collecting, and cherishing family history, individuals can ensure that the stories, experiences, and legacies of their ancestors are not lost over time, allowing posterity to connect with their roots and gain a deeper understanding of their family's journey.[2][3]


wcg May 27, 2024