One Little Designer - Assist Stack - Content Toggles )

Fully responsive and Customizable

Toggle Text/Icons, Customize sizes, colors, padding, and more!

Easily go Full Page

U.S. Genweb
  • Bill's Genweb Websites
  • Mendocino
  • Santa Cruz
  • Indiana County
  • Mercer County
  • Elkhart County
  • Bill's Genealogy Sites
  • Macgen
  • HAGS
  • CV library Group
  • East Bay Genealogical Society
  • Bill's Rootsweb Site
  • College Alumni
  • Books
  • Computers
  • Family
  • Folklore
  • Genealogy
  • History
  • Military
  • Misc
  • Nostalgia
  • Pets
  • Religions
  • Schooll Alumni
One Little Designer - Pop Box Stack
  • TIMED INITIALIZATION You can now set Pop Box to open after a certain amount of time rather than having users click a link to show the pop up.
  • MORE STYLE OPTIONS Choose between 5 new style themes plus the original Pop Box style. Each theme has a unique display that is customizable to fit your website.
  • CALL TO ACTION Set it up so that the pop up is only able to close through a single close button or text link, calling your users to take action and increasing your conversions.
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One Little Designer - Lasso Tips

Lasso Tips is a RapidWeaver stack that creates attractive & animated tool tips. This stack can be used to provide helpful information with interactive or passive functionality. Highlight corresponding parts of images or page elements as a point of reference for targeted descriptions, definitions, & even calls to action.

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Canyonlands River

Wher the Canyon meets the river or maybe vice versa. It shows when you hover over the main image.

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One Little Designer - Toggle This stack

A Multi-use toggle that adds USABILITY

Toggle This is a RapidWeaver stack that improves functionality and content real-estate with a stylish and straight forward toggle. Display optional or advanced fields. Toggle between user specific content. Allow your website visitors to show, hide, enable, disable, animate, and modify almost any stack or element with a single click. Easily go Full Page

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  • This is the default HTML.
  • You can replace it with your own.
  • Include your own code without the HTML, Head, or Body tags.