Doobox - Image Plus Stack

Images alone don’t always tell the whole story. This stack allows you to control the presentation of images and associated info.

The stack is designed to show Images and associated content in a completely new and aesthetically pleasing way. You have the ability to display any image with accompanying descriptive content, by means of a custom content column that slides into view along with the image when triggered by your user. Custom content is very flexible, allowing you to add all manner of stacks to this section.

All aspects of the stack are fully responsive, designed to display optimally on all devices. (Try resizing the browser window when in light-boxed mode).

The stack will never serve an image larger than needed, to speed up mobile page loads. It creates copies of your images at various sizes to be sure it has an appropriately sized image ready to be served as fast as possible.

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Arcadia, Maine. Incredible views.

thex Created with Sketch.
Doobox - Notify Stack

You must have seen it pop up by now. The attention grabbing notifications stack, that appears in the top right of the window when this page loads.

Overview. Designed to add native styled popup notifications in your page. These can contain any thumbnail image and message you like. You can add links to your latest thing, or inform the visitor of some action they need to take. The uses are endless.

There are 3 ways to trigger a notification :

  • On page load
  • On a Timer
  • When the user scrolls to the location on the page the stack has been placed.

The third scroll option is particularly great, if you want to make a notification about something lower down the page the user has not yet seen. Once they scroll to that location on the page, the notification will be fired. Anti annoyance feature allows you to only show any user the notification once within a time period you specify. So no matter how many times that user visits the page, he won't see the notification again until that time period has elapsed.

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Notify Stack
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