Stacks4Stacks - Modally Stack free

A classic modal overlay, in which you can include any content you want. The price is right

Features - Include any content - Default layout for quick stylish results - Advanced layout for maximum flexibility - Use any stack as open button - Custom colorise in advanced mo

Click Warning
This is actually an HTML javascript driven stack with no settings. It's all code.

Welcome to HTML and Javascript

Click here for BG's home page
Fullscreen Stack free

This encloses the contents of the Fullscreen stack's "Drop stacks here" drop zone to a full screen. Does not work within RW, must be published. The escape key exits the full screen mode.

Stacks Image 27
Super Tooltip

Install SuperTooltips in the normal way and add a copy of the stack to your webpage. You can either place the content you want 'tool-tipped' within the SuperTooltips container, or use the settings and a selector name for content elsewhere on your page. Replacing the example selector names with body a would target every link on a page.

In all instances, it is the title attribute value of a link that gets converted into tooltip text. Therefore if you are setting up links using the link dialogue window in RapidWeaver, this screenshot shows how and where you would setup your tooltip text:

SuperTooltips has a couple of other settings you might wish to adjust. All these are available within the SuperTooltips Settings. For example, you can choose the style of tooltip (six designs are available) or change the position that tooltips are shown on.

Please note that SuperTooltips "takes" the title attribute of a link, to convert it into a tooltip. This title attribute is no longer available for plugins (like a lightbox or slider) to use. SuperTooltips is best to use for simple links and buttons that don't have any advanced functionality attached to them.

Three examples below are activated with mouse hover.

  • SLCC Button with Foundry Button that has tooltips itself - Doesn't work, may conflick with Foundry functioning
  • PCC.ORG button - works fine
  • Billgeorge.com Link - works fine
  • This is the default HTML.
  • I'm using super tool tips to document Bill George's Home Page
  • Include your own code without the HTML, Head, or Body tags.