Pro Gallery Stack Demo

by Stacks4Stacks using RWSkinz Theme

Lightbox Overview

ProGallery is supplied with a great choice of lightbox effects. Included are some older favourites like Colorbox and newer lightboxes like Lightcase, TopBox and VenoBox. A lightbox is a method of making content open at a larger size. Every lightbox provided in ProGallery has a unique feature set. The choice of lightboxes enables you to experiment with them all and find the best one for your needs. For example, Photobox does slideshows and thumbnail images, but can't do YouTube content. Whereas Lightcase can do Youtube, but can't do DeviantArt. So you'll want to experiment with the different lightbox effects to find the one that looks works best for what you want displayed. If no lightbox is required, just leave the lightbox type box empty or use the 'No Lightbox' lightbox type. This latter option has a convenient feature to force links to open in new tabs and extra settings for tooltips.

The Regimented grid is used for all Thumbnail screens.

  • Lightbox type
    • BaguetteBox - Displays image in lightbox, with X to return to page. File Name on top
    • Colorbox - Left/Rt Nav lower left, Title on bottom, smooth transitions
    • Featherlight - Picture appears, Exit is only control, no Titles
    • Lightbox2 - Chevrons Fw/Back disappears, Title on bottom left, Image count below, Exit lower Rt.
    • Lightcase - Chevron Fw/Back always on, Pg count lower left, Title below, 22nd title below, X Upper Rt. Can do Youtube, Can't do DeviantArt
    • Lity -
    • No Lightbox - Click agnifies image, Has a convenient feature to force links to open in new tabs and extra settings for tooltips.
    • Photobox - Left/Rt Huge Chevrons, Title below, Page Counter, Image browser onbottom. Thumbnails on/off, Row of Thumbnails, Can't Do Youtube, Rotation tool, Slideshow Startstop control
    • Topbox - Left/Rt always on arrows, title on bottom, May also be used with TopBox Stack, Carousel
    • Venobox - Appears to have the same as Topbox, Also has social media buttons,

See the Stacks4Stacks Website and Documentation for Pro Gallery.