Free RW Central Stacks

These web pages have links to all the RW Central Stacks I've downloaded. Selected stacks are experimented with below and in other pages in this website. There is also this collection of Content Cards with descriptions of all the free stacks. These stacks were downloaded May 1, 2023

Examples: Best of the Free RW Central Stacks

Select Thing Stack builds drop down menus

A clickable, pull down, configurable menu. Change from straight to round corners, vary number of links. Type in menu title. Can't figure out how to chg color of title from selections. Several settings are listed on the web site that aren't in the stack. Maybe there's a pro version. One is having a different text color in the select box, from the item boxes as weak as gradient and shadows.

Rainbow Thing Stack

A header-like stack that rotates text through a configureable set of up to 20 colors

Rainbow Thing
Appears to be benign.

Hover Thing Stack

Hover - With its cool button reveal effect on hover, it's
great both in multiple columns and on its own as an inset or attention-grabber, and is perfect for flat or responsive designs
Stacks Image 383


Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 7pm on Zoom. We will discuss the Reports menu and the variety of reports that are available. Your questions on any genealogy topic including FamilySearch will be answered too.

Hover LIft Thing Stack

Hover Lift - Drop zone content "lifts" on hover, then exits to designated URL

  • Shadow itself when the mouse is hovered
  • Goto the designated link
  • The link is
  • An odd thing happens, when the link is set, the Markdown Stack can no longer be edited.

Hover Text Thing Stack

HoverText - Link to a block of text with a hover state

This entire block of text will turn Red

  • When this block is clicked, it will go to
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Combined Hover LIft and Text Stack

Hover Lift - Drop zone content "lifts" on hover, then exits to designated URL

This entire block of text will turn Purple, and when clicked, go to FamilySearch

  • The HoverText stack is placed within a Hover Lift stack
  • The effect will be a Shadowed box, and test that turns color, then goes to, when clicked.