Foundry Slider Stacks

Bloom Gallery

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors
Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors

Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort. Its ease of use gives you the time to focus on your content and imagery instead of fiddling with building out your layout.


Bloom allows you to include up to 10 images in each slider. This allows you to use a variety of images for each Bloom stack.

Image Location

Choose whether to place your images on either the left- or right-hand side of the content. This adds flexibility to your page design and layout.


You can set labels for each of the Bloom stacks on your page in Edit Mode, changing not only the label text, but its background color as well.


Choose to use either white or black icon overlays for your images as well as whether the Zoom icon should be visible at all times.

Popup Gallery

Clicking on an image in the stack brings up a slider that covers the content of the stack, and allows the visitor to scroll through all of the associated images.

Rounded Corners

You're able to adjust the roundness of the corners of your images to give them a subtle, clean look and match the style of the rest of your page.

Scroll In Place

When a visitor chooses to enlarge your images, opening the slider, you can have the stack scroll the browser so that the full-size image moves upwards into view.

Choose Breakpoint

Choose whether to have Bloom switch to mobile mode at either the iPad landscape or portrait widths.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors
Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors

Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort. Its ease of use gives you the time to focus on your content and imagery instead of fiddling with building out your layout.


Bloom allows you to include up to 10 images in each slider. This allows you to use a variety of images for each Bloom stack.

Image Location

Choose whether to place your images on either the left- or right-hand side of the content. This adds flexibility to your page design and layout.


You can set labels for each of the Bloom stacks on your page in Edit Mode, changing not only the label text, but its background color as well.


Choose to use either white or black icon overlays for your images as well as whether the Zoom icon should be visible at all times.

Popup Gallery

Clicking on an image in the stack brings up a slider that covers the content of the stack, and allows the visitor to scroll through all of the associated images.

Rounded Corners

You're able to adjust the roundness of the corners of your images to give them a subtle, clean look and match the style of the rest of your page.

Scroll In Place

When a visitor chooses to enlarge your images, opening the slider, you can have the stack scroll the browser so that the full-size image moves upwards into view.

Choose Breakpoint

Choose whether to have Bloom switch to mobile mode at either the iPad landscape or portrait widths.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors
Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors

Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort. Its ease of use gives you the time to focus on your content and imagery instead of fiddling with building out your layout.


Bloom allows you to include up to 10 images in each slider. This allows you to use a variety of images for each Bloom stack.

Image Location

Choose whether to place your images on either the left- or right-hand side of the content. This adds flexibility to your page design and layout.


You can set labels for each of the Bloom stacks on your page in Edit Mode, changing not only the label text, but its background color as well.


Choose to use either white or black icon overlays for your images as well as whether the Zoom icon should be visible at all times.

Popup Gallery

Clicking on an image in the stack brings up a slider that covers the content of the stack, and allows the visitor to scroll through all of the associated images.

Rounded Corners

You're able to adjust the roundness of the corners of your images to give them a subtle, clean look and match the style of the rest of your page.

Scroll In Place

When a visitor chooses to enlarge your images, opening the slider, you can have the stack scroll the browser so that the full-size image moves upwards into view.

Choose Breakpoint

Choose whether to have Bloom switch to mobile mode at either the iPad landscape or portrait widths.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors

Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort. Its ease of use gives you the time to focus on your content and imagery instead of fiddling with building out your layout.


Bloom allows you to include up to 10 images in each slider. This allows you to use a variety of images for each Bloom stack.

Bloom is easy to use for both you and your visitors

Build your Bloom expandable sliders with very little effort. Its ease of use gives you the time to focus on your content and imagery instead of fiddling with building out your layout.


Bloom allows you to include up to 10 images in each slider. This allows you to use a variety of images for each Bloom stack.

Image Location

Choose whether to place your images on either the left- or right-hand side of the content. This adds flexibility to your page design and layout.


You can set labels for each of the Bloom stacks on your page in Edit Mode, changing not only the label text, but its background color as well.


Choose to use either white or black icon overlays for your images as well as whether the Zoom icon should be visible at all times.

Popup Gallery

Clicking on an image in the stack brings up a slider that covers the content of the stack, and allows the visitor to scroll through all of the associated images.

Rounded Corners

You're able to adjust the roundness of the corners of your images to give them a subtle, clean look and match the style of the rest of your page.

Scroll In Place

When a visitor chooses to enlarge your images, opening the slider, you can have the stack scroll the browser so that the full-size image moves upwards into view.

Choose Breakpoint

Choose whether to have Bloom switch to mobile mode at either the iPad landscape or portrait widths.