Stacks4Stacks - Slick Slider

One of the most powerful image carousels available for RapidWeaver. You can configure SlickSlider to display one or more images; complete with optional next / previous buttons, pagination bullets and hyperlinks. As you would expect, SlickSlider is fully responsive and can be configured to display or behave differently, at different screen sizes. Image titles and written caption content is displayed tidily beneath your images to prevent encroachment onto the actual images being displayed. SlickSlider can run in either manual or automatic mode. Built-in 'lazy loading' support ensures that your completed webpage loads faster and only images that need to be displayed are ever loaded on demand.


  • Bold Titles and text below
  • Image can be linked
Death Valley
Death Valley
California Death Valley, the hottest place on earth.
Great Bason
Great Bason
Nevada's Great Bason. Wikipedia Article
Glacier Natlional Park
Glacier Natlional Park
Montana's most incredible national park.