Stacks4Stacks - Stack Slider

Probably the most customisable, flexible and sophisticated slider stack available. The aptly-named 'StackSlider' is easily dragged and dropped into a Stacks page. Stacks nested inside StackSlider are cycled either manually or automatically. Slides can be presented individually or in the form of a carousel; and you can have the slider running horizontally, vertically or via simple fade transitions. Individual slides can comprise of rich text, HTML code, Markdown, static images or even basic embedded video. Novice users will have no difficulty getting a basic slider working within a matter of minutes; whereas expert designers and developers can leverage the full power of StackSlider to build immersive sliders.

StackSlider was one of the first addon stacks made available for the Stacks plugin. Version 4 is packed-full with powerful settings and the ability to create a diverse range of different content sliders in your products. Here are some of the key features of StackSlider:

  • Fully responsive, meaning that the slider will scale both horizontally and vertically to fit different screen widths
  • Support for many basic content types; including plain text, rich text, Markdown, HTML code, images and basic video
  • No limit on the number of slides you can add. Plus the ability to easily drag and re-order slides at any time
  • Setup sliders which either run automatically or require manual navigation
  • Hardware-accelerated CSS animations, with graceful fall-back to Javascript animations in older browsers. No Flash
  • Options to navigate sliders with swipe gestures on touch screens, button clicks or with pagination bullets
  • Apply borders, backgrounds, padding, margins and rounded corners of your own via the normal Stacks style settings
  • Quickly embed completed sliders into theme ExtraContent containers or FreeStyle headers / banners
  • Switch-on carousel support to display multiple slides simultaneously
  • StackSlider is hidden until loaded, to limit the page jumping about. Images in the slider can be preloaded

Markdown 1

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 2

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 3

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 4

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 5

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 6

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 7

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

Markdown 8

Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"