Nav Helper Stack

Only show specific navigation on a particular page.

  • Easily Control Navigation Shown on a Webpage
  • Supports up to 20 Links
  • Optional Hide of Sublevel Navigation
  • Optional Hide of Supporting Elements
  • Optional Hide All Navigation

Only Five Pages on This Nav Bar.

There are eight Nav links in this project and seven pages. One nav link is a link (RW2).

To test this stack out, I'm going to remove two pages, "Holiday Gift" page and "Marquee: page from the navigations.

To do that, I typed "Holiday Gift" in entry "Page I" and "Marquee" in entry "Page 2". And, "Voila" they don't appear in the navigation. On other pages is this project, they do show up.

I guess the value of this is that omitting navigation on one page only, is not available in RW. RW only allows eliminating the page from all pages in the project.

Note: I was also able to eliminate the "RW2" Nav item by adding "RW2" to Nav #3, leaving 5 pages of 8 on the Nav Bar.