website with its own unique look and feel? A fresh redesign for your existing website?
Looking for a 
Want more visitors to your site? A better ranking in the search engine listings? Then you’ve come to the right place

Marathia Web Design delivers great website designs and search engine rankings for its clients — at a surprisingly affordable price

Make the most out of the Internet for your business — contact me with your wishes for a free, no-obligation quote.

Want to know more? Check out my work and the services I offer.

Questions? I have a faq to browse through, but you can of course always contact me. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Who I am? Do you really want to know? Well, take a look at this page!
About me
 Your own unique look and feel,  great price
 search engine friendly design  cross browser compatibility  matching printed matter  free support  free advice

That's why Marathia Web

Attention fellow RapidWeaver users
I also develop stacks and do cus­tom­i­za­tion services for RapidWeaver.

You may also want to read 
The Marathia Times – my blog for the latest information about my stacks and more.

Follow me on Twitter
Ma·ra·thi·a | maraθ'ia | Greek: Μαραθία
1 a cape in the south of ZakynthosGreece, know for its tranquility and pleasant microclimate; pop. 63; part of the community of Keri.
2 company specialized in designing quality websites for a reasonable price.