This experiment examines 6 types of text stacks, Markdown, Styled Text, HTML, Paragraph, Header, Footer and sees how each is represented in Foundation 3 Column stacks and standard 3 column stacks.

JW Document Settings
3 Columns Foundation, in 1 Column Foundation, MD, Styled Text, HTML


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages. However on it seems that it doesn't pick up the styled Text Setting fron the Foundation Stack

Styled Text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
HTML (Bold)
  • This is the default HTML.
  • You can replace it with your own.
  • Include your own code without the HTML, Head, or Body tags.
3 Columns Stacks, in 1 Column, Stacks, MD, Styled Text, HTML


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sapien platea morbi dolor lacus nunc, nunc ullamcorper. Felis aliquet egestas vitae, nibh ante quis quis dolor sed mauris. Erat lectus sem ut lobortis, adipiscing ligula eleifend, sodales fringilla mattis dui nullam. Ac massa aliquet.
  • This is the default HTML.
  • You can replace it with your own.
  • Include your own code without the HTML, Head, or Body tags.
3 Columns Foundation, in 1 Column Foundation Paragraph

Gluten-free paleo gastropub authentic flexitarian fixie tote bag, scenester Cosby sweater irony locavore. Gentrify American Apparel craft beer aesthetic Echo

This is my header

3 Columns in Stack, in 1 Column Stacks, Foundation Paragraph

Gluten-free paleo gastropub authentic flexitarian fixie tote bag, scenester Cosby sweater irony locavore. Gentrify American Apparel craft beer aesthetic Echo Park. Polaroid Marfa cray dreamcatcher, chambray ennui hella Godard meggings fap Terry Richardson XOXO. Sartorial vinyl cornhole, fap kogi Austin meh Terry Richardson art party hella. Master cleanse Etsy trust fund, forage craft beer biodiesel Wes Anderson hashtag Intelligentsia hoodie. Ethnic DIY 8-bit, leggings ennui narwhal Tumblr Portland Helvetica asymmetrical fap twee viral 90's aesthetic. Blue Bottle kale chips hashtag, jean shorts disrupt semiotics wayfarers pop-up aesthetic retro kogi Tumblr put a bird on it.

This is my header

Paragraph Pro and Header Pro by Big White Duck

Anatidae paleo gastropro authentic flexitarian fixie tote bag, scenester Chordate sweater irony locavore. Gentrify Aves Ayelsbury craft beer aesthetic Echo Park. Polaroid Marfa cray dreamcatcher, chambray ennui hella Godard mallards fap Terry Richardson XOXO. Sartorial vinyl passion, fap kogi Austin meh Terry Richardson art party hella. Master cleanse Eider trust fund, grummage craft beer biodiesel Wes Anderson hashtag Intelligentsia hoodie. Ethnic DIY 8-bit, paddles ennui narwhal Tumblr platyrhynchos Helvetica asymmetrical fap twee viral 90's aesthetic. Blue Bottle kale chips hashtag, jean shorts disrupt semiotics wayfarers pop-up aesthetic retro kogi Tumblr put a bird up it.

This is headerPro