Stacks4Stacks has excellent, consistently presented documentation using the
Volcano theme by ThemeFlood. Their stack inventory, presented on their
Home Page, can be sorted in various ways (name, keyword, compatability, price). Sorting by price gives the option of looking at free stacks at the beginning of the list. Each stack link leads to documentation, demos and in some cases downloadable projects. Will Woodgate's name is in the copyright notice.
VideosBlogStack Links:- BannerStack Construct responsive theme banners with a static image and layered content
- Curtains - Animated Curtain
- Cutout - Intricut cutout shapes around left or right floating images
- Hotspots - A responsive image map solution with support for unlimited hotspots
- LinkBox - Set whole blocks of content and multiple stacks as a single link
- Options - A heavily-customiseable option list, ideal for static text or navigation links
- Readmore - Displays teasers of written content, with customisable read more links
- RollFade - A simple, pure-CSS rollover opacity effect for images and text
- Shady - Creates attractive, customisable box shadow effects on blocks of content
- uTube - Easily embed responsive-scaling Flash and HTML5 YouTube® video's