Horizon - by Joe Workman

Fixed vs Variable slider that requires bar navigation (not content sliding)


Horizon allows one to create horizontal scrolling containers with ease. It can auto-size content to ensure that everything looks spot on including an option to have equal height and variable width panels.

Feature Descriptions (from the Horizon web wage)

  • More with Less | Horizon allows you to display content that may traditionally be used in a grid into a single scrollable row. This allows you to optimize the valuable space used on the web page.
  • Auto Image Scaling | Horizon can auto scale all images so that they are the same height. This is useful when you are using images that differ in size.
  • Variable Width | Each card within Horizon can overwrite the default width setting and have its own custom size. This allows each card to be unique
  • Smooth Animations | Horizon has silky smooth animations powered by Greensock, a professional grade animation library.
  • Stack Content | You are not limited in what you can place inside of Horizon. You can use all of your favorite stacks. Have fun!
  • Styled Scrollbar | Add a styled scrollbar with custom colors (not supported in all browsers at this time).
  • Total CMS Integration | Build beautiful dynamic instances of Horizon by integrating with Total CMS. You can display galleries and blogs, and blog post galleries into Horizon.
  • Scroll Hint | Nice animated scroll hint to let your user know that Horizon is scrollable.

Addiional features from the marketing video .

  • Images Autoscale
  • Mix and Match Stacks
  • Fixed or Variable Width
  • Content Spacing
  • Flexible Layout Options
  • Hover Animations
  • Scroll Me Hints
  • Styled Scrollbars
  • Add images of any width
  • Auto-Scroll Animations
  • Dynamically interacts with Total CMS, importing the following into Horizon. Just "Drop in" the following:
    • Galleries with Light Boxes
    • Blog Lists
    • Blog Galleries

How Horizon Works

It's a horizontal scrolling, set of stack drop zones. By sliding the content you have multiple dropzones rotating through a defined width area. Here are some features that need to be selected.


  • Continuous or Manual scrolling using a slider
  • Forward only or add reversed scrolling
  • If continuous, want pause on hover?
  • Scrolling... Want unusual scrolling motion, like bouncing, pulsating, etc?
  • Shall each panel be a complete web page or just one stack (or something in between)

Drop Zones

  • Drag content/stacks into each panel. Web Cards might be a good to use.
  • Want to shuffle the order of the panels or keep original order

Image Slide Show

  • Can handle multi-width images
  • Want uniform height?


  • Limited styling, and may not be able to click/drag content