Screens - by Joe Workman

Easiest way to build full page style websites

Screens is a suite of stacks that allow you to build beautiful and dynamic full page websites. These work wonderfully for one page websites. However, Screens could also be used to accentuate your existing website as well. Screens works with open themes. We recommend that you use it with our free Foundation theme in order to achieve its full potential.


Horizon allows one to create horizontal scrolling containers with ease. It can auto-size content to ensure that everything looks spot on including an option to have equal height and variable width panels.

Feature Descriptions (from the Horizon web wage)

  • More with Less | Horizon allows you to display content that may traditionally be used in a grid into a single scrollable row. This allows you to optimize the valuable space used on the web page.
  • Auto Image Scaling | Horizon can auto scale all images so that they are the same height. This is useful when you are using images that differ in size.
  • Variable Width | Each card within Horizon can overwrite the default width setting and have its own custom size. This allows each card to be unique
  • Smooth Animations | Horizon has silky smooth animations powered by Greensock, a professional grade animation library.
  • Stack Content | You are not limited in what you can place inside of Horizon. You can use all of your favorite stacks. Have fun!
  • Styled Scrollbar | Add a styled scrollbar with custom colors (not supported in all browsers at this time).
  • Total CMS Integration | Build beautiful dynamic instances of Horizon by integrating with Total CMS. You can display galleries and blogs, and blog post galleries into Horizon.
  • Scroll Hint | Nice animated scroll hint to let your user know that Horizon is scrollable.

Addiional features from the marketing video .

  • Images Autoscale
  • Mix and Match Stacks
  • Fixed or Variable Width
  • Content Spacing
  • Flexible Layout Options
  • Hover Animations
  • Scroll Me Hints
  • Styled Scrollbars
  • Add images of any width
  • Auto-Scroll Animations
  • Dynamically interacts with Total CMS, importing the following into Horizon. Just "Drop in" the following:
    • Galleries with Light Boxes
    • Blog Lists
    • Blog Galleries

How Horizon Works

It's a horizontal scrolling, set of stack drop zones. By sliding the content you have multiple dropzones rotating through a defined width area. Here are some features that need to be selected.


  • Continuous or Manual scrolling using a slider
  • Forward only or add reversed scrolling
  • If continuous, want pause on hover?
  • Scrolling... Want unusual scrolling motion, like bouncing, pulsating, etc?
  • Shall each panel be a complete web page or just one stack (or something in between)

Drop Zones

  • Drag content/stacks into each panel. Web Cards might be a good to use.
  • Want to shuffle the order of the panels or keep original order

Image Slide Show

  • Can handle multi-width images
  • Want uniform height?


  • Limited styling, and may not be able to click/drag content