SEO Helper - Joe Workman

Boost SEO Rankings and Social Reach

SEO Helper is a suite of tools the that allows you to optimize your site for both search engines and social media. It has the most extensive support for all of the meta tags that you will need to improve your visibility in search and on social media. It's sitemap builder gives you better control over what search engines are looking for. SEO Helper also helps you finally nail down that elusive 404 page. You need SEO Helper if you want to take your websites seriously.


SEO Meta Tags
SEO Helper contains all of the essential tags that your site needs to shine in search results. These include robots, canonical url, geo location, and

Social Meta Tags
Even if you're not a socialite, you want your site to be properly represented when users share your websites on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

SEO Checklist
We have a million things to worry about... this checklist will help you remember all of the important tasks needed to to ensure your site rises the search rankings.

Sitemap Builder
Sitemap builder will give you full control over what search engines use to index your site. This includes additional meta data that search engines use to rank pages.

Image Sitemaps
If you have images that you want to ensure are indexed by search engines, you can now create a full image sitemap.

Sitemap Index
Save yourself a time in the future but creating a sitemap of sitemaps. You no longer have to remember to submit new sitemaps to search engines.

Structured Data
Big companies use structured data to get rich search results with cards and maps. Now we can compete head to head with these companies in the rankings.

Proper 404
Are you sure that you are doing your 404 pages properly? The Error Page stack will make sure that you are.

Total CMS
Manage all of your meta tags and meta images directly inside Total CMS. You can even generate full sitemaps for your Total CMS 2 collections.

Sitemap Ping
You can now manually trigger all search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex) to reindex your sitemap files.

Dup Page Checker
SEO Helper ships with a handy tool that checks for duplicate pages (when you have published both html and php pages). It can even help clean them up for you.

Dup Meta Checker
SEO Helper will check for duplicate meta tags so that you can be certain that search engines will properly index to correct data on your site.