Targeted page positions for your stacks
Target allows you full control over where you would like to position your stacks. You can target the stack to position itself on top of its parent stack. You can also position it relative to the browser window so that it always floats in the same exact location. You can float the content to the left or right. Lastly, Target can even rotate your content! This is your one stop shop for stack

OK, how about in plain english....

  • Allows you to position your stack on a page
  • Position on top of a parent Stack
  • Position relative to browser window
  • Float Content to left or right
  • Rotate your content - this sounds useful!
This is an example of a float-left header positioned (10-% Vert., 10% Horiz) a one column stack with an image.
Stacks Image 68

1 Column Header

This is an example of a centered header over a two column stack, each with an image.
Stacks Image 93
Stacks Image 90

2 Column Header

This is an example of a 21 degree rotated header over a two column stack, each with an image.
Stacks Image 26
Stacks Image 42

2 Column Header