
Moving images around

One Little Designer - Font Awesome

Font Awesome is a little mysterious. Not clear if it is installed wih RapidWeaver, Stacks or a standalone stack. I have an 1LD stack called Fontawesome that I can't find on their website any more. It's installed stack displays:

  • This page is now Font-Awesome 4.7.0 enabled
  • Full list of icons: http://fontawesome.io/icons

Couple documentation links:

  • An eye....
    - <i class="fa fa-eye"></i>

  • An eye. somewhat larger...
    - <i class="fa fa-eye fa-lg"></i>

  • SM, XS, XL and 2XL don't appear to work, but lg does.

  • More examples.... Angles
    • - fa fa-angle-down
    • - fa fa-angle-left
    • - fa fa-angle-right
    • - fa fa-angle-up
Adjust Size

To change the size of the icon, HTML styles to alter the color and size of characters.
