Home | My Utility Stacks

Rapidweaver Utility Stacks

Stacks I own. Some free, some $.


Stacks4Stacks - An innovative stack that makes it possible to build your own basic stack elements.


Stacks4Stacks - Take text files, images or PDFs hosted on your own web server and embed them into the webpage. If you or a client has FTP access to the directory containing the files, then it becomes instantly feasible to edit the contents of those files


Stacks4Stacks - Droplet is a smart file uploader you can place on your websites. It's perfect to quickly upload files to our stacks

Extra Content Plus

Stacks4Stacks - an extended version of the normal ExtraContent stack

Also, a list of all Stacks4Stacks in [easily accessible list - https://stacks4stacks.com/extracontent/


Stacks4Stacks - Provides a basic login and file management interface on your RapidWeaver website (free).


Stacks4Stacks - This stack uses a relative path to a directory on your web server. It converts the resulting directory / file list into an interactive file tree. Just like a file browser on a computer, visitors to your website are able to drill-down through multiple levels of directories to browse files. You can configure FileTree to open files within the browser window, force files to download or connect FileTree to TopBox for instant lightbox support. Plus each time you add or remove files on the web server, FileTree updates without needing any input via RapidWeaver. A great little file browsing solution.


Stacks4Stacks - Sort data in stacks


Stacks4Stacks - Easily fetch any-one of the 800+ web fonts from the Google Web Fonts service and apply them to headings and content within your pages.

Global Search

Stacks4Stacks - A search stack you can place globally on multiple pages of a website. The basic premise of GlobalSearch is to create a stylish search box that can send keywords to through to your main search stack


Foundry - Group pages together while editing


Stacks4stacks - This PHP based stack for RapidWeaver adds a simple hit counter capability to webpages.


Joe Workman - Style content & images


Joe Workman - Determine if user is a Spam Bot. A work-around

Site Styles

Foundry Settings

Stats (Free)

Doobox - Get web page usage data

Home | My Utility Stacks

Style Guide (Free)

Foundry - View Branding Colors in Edit

Toolbox (Free)

Defligra - Store all your Click & TextPal Stacks and push changes throughout your RapidWeaver Stacks website

True Download

Doobox - Downloads can be tracked

Twitter Wigit

Doobox - Display Twitter Handle (No doc file)


Foundry - Load and organize Fonts (video)

Useful Stack

Stacks4Stacks - Originally UsefulStack was developed with the single task of applying proportionate padding and margins around stack elements, within a page. However the feature set provided in UsefulStack has slowly grown over time. It's now widely regarded as one of the most useful responsive layout stacks elements ever released, and is currently used in thousands of websites. UsefulStack can help you build page layouts which are far more responsive and flexible. UsefulStack also gives you conditional support, so you can display or hide content, at different screen sizes. Recent updates to UsefulStack have introduced support for minimum and maximum width constraint settings, and float alignment too.


Foundry - Hide elements at breakpoints


Doobox - Ruler Shows size of elements

Web design by Will Woodgate