Elixir Graphics

Three of the four recommended by Adam Shiver of Elixir Graphics

"I’ve been using this site to make some fun gradient backgrounds for banners on some Foundry test pages. You can create random designs with your custom color choices, or choose from some pre-made backgrounds.

When you download your image it will be a PNG file, so before using it as a Banner or Backdrop 2 in Foundry be sure to re-save it as a JPG in your image editing software and then compress it using something like the TinyPNG / TinyJPG 2 site.

https://meshgradient.in 49"
Couple examples are displayed below:
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Wicked Backgrounds
"Wicked Backgrounds is sort of in the same arena as MESH•Y, mentioned above. It allows you to generate different backgrounds using a series of controls. Instead of gradients though it creates sectioned color blocks. The output is in SVG or PNG, so again if you go the PNG route be sure to re-save is as a JPG and compress it. Some real potential for beautiful banner backgrounds, I think.

LinkCreate beautiful SVG backgrounds for your UI designs. 46"
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"This site offers a large assortment of free 3D shapes. They come is a variety of different shapes, sizes, colors and textures.
Linkhttps://www.shapefest.com/ 56"

The items below are from Amazon, Facebook, Medium and PayPal.
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Web design by Will Woodgate