Doobox Utility Stacks


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.


Writing in Markdown format is a simple and fast way to add styled text to your web pages.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple Links: Stacks can use Markdown Syntax too.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.

BUILDING A CUSTOM MENU Commonly you may not want to use the page navigation links your RapidWeaver theme generates. Instead you may wish to custom-build the entire menu using your own drop-downs and links. MyMenu supports the use of custom items, through use of the separate MyMenu Custom Item and MyMenu Sub Nav stacks.

Start in your MyMenu stack by going into its settings and checking the Add Custom Menu Items option. This changes the user interface in edit mode and displays some additional setup instructions for you to read.

Creation of a custom drop-down (or fly-out) menu is accomplished using the MyMenu Sub Nav stack. Drag and drop one of these stacks from your Stacks Library into the drop zone within MyMenu. You can see that the title of the sub navigation item can be changed in edit mode. A secondary drop-down is shown, into which you can place additional MyMenu Sub Nav stacks or MyMenu Custom Item stacks.

To add actual links to your custom menu, you will want to be using MyMenu Custom Item stacks. Drag and drop these stacks from your Stacks Library into either the drop zone within MyMenu or MyMenu Sub Nav stacks. Select each item to customise its title text and link in edit mode.

It is possible to merge both an existing theme navigation menu with custom links. The placement of your custom links can be changed to either above or below the theme navigation links. Alternatively the theme navigation links can be set to 'off'. All these settings exist in the main MyMenu stack.