About this CSS Project

This project came about on Friday, May 13, 2022 after a question was asked at a Joe Workman Hangout, how to style an unordered list Red in a Markdown Stack (See below). I began researching CSS and found I could absorb the concepts, finally finding a CSS author on MEDIUM.COM, Eishta and I'm starting to go through her CSS Lessons 1-3 at https://eishta.medium.com/

This CSS Rapidweaver project is just my journey through the facets of CSS with Eishta and otherwise. I'm trying to have it make sense, for when I review, later.

Joe's Explanation of CSS in RW

This project came about on Friday, May 13, 2022 after a question was asked at a Joe Workman Hangout, how to style an unordered list Red in a Markdown Stack (See below).

Joe's answer was to create a CSS Class "red-list" (all lower case) in the Markdown Stack and add the following code in the stack page HTML Code section "CSS"

.red-list ul {

And thus began my beginning understanding of CSS. This web project, "CSS.rw8" is my attempt to gather various sources that expand on my CSS Knowledge.

Make Unordered List in "Markdown Stack" (below), Red

Markdown Stack

How can I make the unordered list items in this stack, RED.

  • Ordered and Unordered Lists.
  • Simple formatting: Bold and Italic.
  • Code snippets: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD"