
The purpose of this website is to show the various types of galleries that Stacks4Stacks Pro Gallery stack can produce. I'm using the Foundry Theme for this series of web pages.

See the Stacks4Stacks Website and Documentation for Pro Gallery.

This Pro Gallery Stack Demo URL is https://rw2.wdgeo.com/progallery

I'm using warehoused 250 pxel thumbnails and typically 1280 pixel images.

Dropdown Navigation should be used to see the several Thumbnail and Lghtbox types. Thumbnails pages all use the Photobox Light Box. Lightbox examples all us single Item Thumbnail type

Some Combinations are also demoed.. Remote image are used to reduce the size of this project

For Thumbnails I like Flexbox, Masonry and Regimented Grid.

Lightbox types Colorbox, Lightcase, Photobox and Venobox with social media buttons are favorites.

Thumbnails layout
  • Columns - Vertical even-spaced columns croppng width, but maintaining aspect ratios
  • Custom Layout - Vertical strip left side, no margin
  • CSS Grid - Vertical strip left side, no margin
  • Flexbox - (see Standard below) - horizontally top-aligned, vertically top aligned maintain aspect ratos
  • Masonry (see Masonry below)- Images form equally spaced column widths, maintain their aspect ratio.
  • Photo Stream - One vertical column, proportional heights
  • Polka Dot Grid - Circular Uniform Horiz/Vertical r
  • Regimented Grid (see fixed aspect ratio below) - Images get automatically cropped into a square and evenly spaced horizontally and vertically
  • Single Item - one thumb that links to the lightbox
  • Strips - Vertical strips representing each thumbnail, hover widens each strip, click activates lightbox
  • Thumbnail List- Vertical thumbnails uniform spacer, file name on rt
  • Traversal - alternating thumbnails on left and right side of screen
Lightbox Type
  • BaguetteBox - Full widh image, title, exit, click anywhere to exit
  • Colorbox Framed image with nav, pages, title, X on frame
  • Featherlight - cropped uniform size, equidistant horiz & vertical
  • Lightbox2 - Lightbox with nav arrows, 1 of 16, title, border
  • Lightcase -Embedded nav arrows, Exit, Pages, Title, Subttle
  • Lity - 1 image, Exit only
  • No Lightbox - Display image, no navigation or titles
  • Photobox - Thumbnails, Title, Pages, Nav with hover, Auto, Rotate
  • Topbox - Title, Manual Nav, Exit
  • Venobox - Has social media buttons


There are several Dscussions of Image/Thumbnail Grid types after I Googled types of thumbnail grids photography


AKA Flexbox

Fixed Aspect Ratio

AKA Regimented Grid


AKA Masonry/Waterfall


No equivalent
