Control the way your content is laid out and displayed within your Foundry pages. The Container stack is one of the core Foundry stacks, right up there with Margins and Columns.
There are no examples for the Container stack. Since it is used to control the layout of other content there is not a good way to provide an example.
Choose which type of Container you’d like it to be. You can choose from a Fixed-Width or Fluid container.
When Fixed-Width is chosen you’re given the opportunity to specify what you wish the maximum width of your Container stack to be.
Custom Units v2
When using the fixed-width settings you can choose the units you wish to use for your Max-Width value. You can choose from Pixels (px), View Width (vw), Percentage (%) or EMs (em).
Drop Shadow
Allows you to enable a drop shadow that is applied to the inner portion of the Container stack, which houses your Container stack’s content
This slider allows you to adjust the size of your drop shadow, when it is enabled.
Shadow Color
Adjust the color of your bro shadow on your Container stack. You can choose to also adjust the opacity of the shadow’s color as well using the built-in color picker.
Round Corners
Used to set how much you’d like to round the corners of the inner content area of your Container stack. You can have all four corners of the container’s corners match, or set them individually.
Edge-to-edge Container
The Container stack sits within a row in Foundry. This row has a small amount of padding on either side of it to make sure it looks great even on small mobile devices and the content doesn’t abut the border of those devices. You can disable this small, extra bit of padding using this feature.
Only looking to group stacks together for Edit Mode in Stacks? Not using the other features of the Container stack? You want to be using the Group stack instead.
Container is meant for setting widths and adding some styling to the contained items. If you're not making use of those features why add the extra code to the page. Group was designed specifically for this task.