Dots Leader

Base Foundry stack | New in Foundry v2

Build nice looking lists using dot leaders for restaurant menus, tables of content and much more.

  • Create lists with leader dots
  • All links to individual items' left content
  • Style left and right content independently


  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20
  • Item Name $20

Using Dots Leader v2


Leader Type
The leader is the characters between our two pieces of content. Usually this is a series of dots, like in a book's table of contents or a takeaway menu's food listing. The stack allows you to choose between three leader types: dots, floating dots and dashes.


Content Color
Allows you to choose the colors for your left and right content individually.

Leader Color
Choose a color for the leader characters that are between the left and right content.

Left & Right Font Weight
Allows you to style the left and right content's font weight independently. This will let you get a different styling for the two pieces of content.

This features lets you opt to italicize the content. You can choose to italicize the left and right content independently.

Child Stack

Dots Leader Item

Left and Right Content
These are two independent text fields that allow you to set the content for each individual Dots Leader item.

Enabling this feature will allow you to add a link to the left content in an individual Dots Leader item.