Categories List

Stack settings

Alloy's Categories List stack will allow you to insert a list of your Blog Post's categories as a linked list. This gives your visitors the ability to see all posts on your blog within a specific category. This is useful in allowing your visitors to sort through related content.

Blog v3

As of Alloy v3 you'll need to use this setting to link your Categories List stack directly to the Blog Page. This provides the ability for Alloy to more easily link up with your Blog Posts, especially when using Alloy's Pretty URLs feature. If you have not set a link with this control the Categories list will alert you in Edit Mode, asking that you set it up.

Style v3

You can opt to have your categories listed vertically, which is standard, or list them inline vertically. When listed inline you can style them more with the Inline style controls, below. When using the Normal, vertical links you can set the list's bullet points' styling.


Allows you to select the type of bullets points you'd like for your list of Category names.

Used to customize the color of the links in the Categories List.

Inline v3

Choose from one of the Foundry brand presets for the Category labels, or opt to use the color picker to set your own custom colors.

Allows you to adjust the amount of horizontal space between the Category List's inline labels.


Used to align the Categories List items to the left, center or right. You can set the alignment to be the same at all three responsive breakpoints, or click the small (+) symbol to adjust the alignment at each individual breakpoint.